Chapter 2

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Hey Guys, I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded recently! I have now decided to carry on with this story and upload at least one chapter every friday from now on! This is a special one off chapter as I haven't uploaded in so long.

Chapter 2

Nialls pov

As we pulled into the adoption centres carpark a realisation hit me. One direction were adopting a child. I still didn't understand why- our new album was going so well and we were doing just fine. However I was slowly coming around to the idea. Call me crazy; but I thought it would be fine "We're here" the taxi driver shouted to the five of us who were sitting like statues. Louis was the first one to move as he handed the taxi driver some money and exclaimed a "thank you" as he left. Then one by one the rest of us got out. As the taxi drove off all five of us just stood there and stared at the adoption centre.

Jessicas pov

As I looked out of the window I saw five boys just staring at the front door. If they didn't shit their mouths soon, they would catch flies. They must be lost. I was on my was to the playroom when I bumped into one of the big kids, Michelle. "I am so so-sorry m-michelle!" I exclaimed as I stood up. She just stood up and pushed me to the ground. When I arrived into the playroom I found that the play kitchen was free so I ran over and started playing. I was pouring my bears some tea when the five boys that I saw earlier walked into the playroom.

Liams pov

As we walked into the adoption centre I took charge. "Hi, We are here to adopt a child", I explained to the manager. "Ah, I see! What age were you thinking?" she asked us. All of a sudden Harry piped up by saying "We were thinking 2-3 as they could play with us more!" The woman looked shocked "Well we only have one child that is 2 and you will deffinately not want to adopt her but..." All of a sudden Zayn said "Nonsense, lets meet her". Thats when we walked into the playroom where she was playing in a kitchen. Niall walked up to her and instantely started playing with her. You could see he was happy as his smile lit up and so did his face. Thats when we knew we would be adopting her...


Ok guys, thats the chapter for today! I love writting for you guys! Please leave a comment and inbox me if you have any ideas that you would like me to include! I would love to hear them! 

-Lots of love

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