Never Knew the Ending - Case 1

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Constantly getting texts over and over again from a boy that I've never met.

'When will you be mines?'

'I know where you live, where you are. I'm not stalking you. I just love you.'

'Why're being so mean to me?'

'Text me back '

The never ending texts from this boy...why me.? Why me.?? WHY ME?!

Suffering, crying, just so this person can stop texting, calling, every 1 second each tear sheds. I stay up all night wondering who could it be? All the noise getting me dizzy, I'm fading away from this world slowly.

Should I suicide? Or should I report? I never know, do I? Am I just a nuisance to the world that he suddenly came to discipline me, what am I to god? Never knew that I wasn't needed in the world that god put me in.

Never knew the ending of the lasting text messages, missed calls, and self confidence. Never found the courage to step up and put him down. I only have the self pity to cry in the corner and cry for help.

Finally, he stops. I fall asleep knowing that everything will be fine.


I woke up tied to a bed, a muzzle in my mouth, stripped from head to toe. I never knew what what going on. Till and blue lights flashing endlessly in my shut eyes of fear.

'What's happening?!' I thought. Never able to speak.

Voices in the background and the voice that kept appearing in the voicemails to the boy screaming "WE WERE MEANT TO BE. NO ONE CAN CHANGE OUT FAITH!"

Then suddenly...a gunshot fired and silence took the place from then on, other than people helping me out of these ropes. I cried in pain. Still wonder who had helped me. Then suddenly..

-Angela's Past

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