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INTERVIEWING: witchcrafts aka Maegan.

1- First of all, How are you feeling today, love?Thank you so much for asking, I'm actually doing great! I'm spending my Saturday evening sat at my mac with a whole bunch of snacks and suing the hack out of some posts on my blog, as well as writing a few updates on here for me to post sporadically (oops)

2- How did you discover this website? Well, as many of my friends and followers know, I was an avid Quotev user before I found this site. My cringe af account is still up on there and if anyone ever found it I think i'd cry in embarrassment. Only one person knows my old user, and I'd trust her with my life haha. But yeah, a user on there mentioned wattpad and I thought it sounded really cool, so I downloaded it and then it effectively ruined and saved my life.

3- What have motivated you on writing on this website?When I first started writing on this site (a good few years ago now I think?), my only inspiration for writing was having an excuse to stop my mom from forcing me to leave the house. When I first joined this site, I had no control over my anxiety and it was beginning to make me depressed - but after a while I found my serenity on this sight, and met some amazing people that made me realise that having anxiety isn't a weakness; it's just something that makes you you.

4- Which book do you feel comfortable while writing it? and why?I find peace in all of my books, but at the moment I feel especially comfortable whilst writing Unforgettable, as it really challenges me and excites me whenever I remember the fact that I've managed to get four chapters of writing out of one episode. And the fact that I don't know exactly what's going to happen yet - in my book or on the show - it makes it all the more thrilling.

5- Which is your favorite fictional character created by you? and why?I'm going to have to say Carmen, but Reed comes a close second. They are both so strong and yet so flawed, which makes them seem all the more human. They're the characters that make me smile whenever I read my sentences back; and the ones that I'm most proud of creating.

6- Have you ever faced any difficulties on this website? and how have you fought them back? Luckily, I haven't experiences many difficulties with this sight - other than the time that I was hacked and lost all of my drafts and published stories beside's two that Wattled managed to recover. The morning that I realised what had happened, all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry, because all of my handwork was just gone and there was nothing I could do about it. It makes me sad whenever I think about it; but after a few days of being depressed and sad I decided to embrace the opportunity and start afresh, Sure it was hard, but now I've got my account back on track and I'm enjoying writing all of my stories - and I couldn't be happier.

7- Who was the last person you have messaged?


8- What is your favorite thing to do? That's quite a vague question, but the think I most like to do out of everything is have movie marathons with artimistic, which hasn't happened in a while because of her internet. But that's my all-time favourite thing to do; especially when I'm sad.

9- Would you like to send nice confessions to anyone? (not anonymously)There are so many people on this website that I love, and it would take forever to name them all. So I'll keep it simple. If you're reading this, I love and and you deserve to be happy. Smile, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're beautiful, because you are.

10- Lastly, would you like to give any advice to any new beginners? My only advice to beginners is to have fun and not be afraid to ask. There are so many lovely people on wattled that won't mind your skin them questions about how to make covers, or even how to set out your account. There are so many books out there that can help you, all you have to do is look.

Thank you so much for your time, love! i have had a blast interviewing you, and i hope you did too xx

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