Almost X-Mas

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Wandys Pov

"Suck my left nut!" A random voice says. I hear an explosion. Shit. Ima die. Everyone is fighting over Christmas shopping... it's a war outside of GraalGetShoppin (a story in my very imaginative graalian mind :3 yep. Its lit 🔥) People are throwing bombs, slicing with their swords, its crazy. The store doors opened. People will rob you for gifts. I can't deal with this. Im hiding behind a huge log in Onnet Town. People are killing others. Im just praying that most graalians won't get hurt.

24 hours earlier...

Hour one. ☝️ (23 hours before store opening and madness begins)

Im hiding. As soon as those front doors unlock, bam. RIP shop owners. I gotta get prepared, I know what I must do, no one is shopping right now, they are training, getting supplies, everything they need because in almost a day everyone and everything will be crazy. Im at the grocery store, I bought a bunch of food to keep me ok for the next 2 weeks. I get weapons ready, all sorts of blades. I cover my whole house with fences. People cant get in unless they hack their way in. Huh, almost like the zombie apocalypse. Anyway I hide in my little shack and make myself comfy, after I make sure everything is locked up, I get a knock. I look through the little peeper, no one. Eh, whatever. I drifted to sleep

10 hours until madness begins...
I woke up. It was almost time. I went and turned the tv on, to make time pass. I was still a little tired. I needed as much energy as I can get. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Whatever." I said. I decided to take another nap, cause why not??

1 Minute until madness begins..
I woke up to the news on the Tv. "The shopping time has begun! Everyone buy things for you loved ones for Christmas! The shop has opened!" Oh fuck. I heard knocking on the door. "Shit." I said. I ran down to my basement with zone guns. I went a little passed and took an era pistol. "Better then Ol' West." I said. I walked to the door.

AdrianWarrior: Graal ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now