The Legend of Pewds n' Cry

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I officially dedicate this entire sttory to PunkNoodles, who came up with the awesome idea!

Also, I'm sorry if there are flaws about the four swords gameplay but I've never played it, so if the game actually doesn't have online multiplay or whatever then sorry about that.


"Alright, take this bitches!"

Pewdiepie exclaimed this before mashing as many of the buttons on his DS as was capable, in response a small red clad boy with blonde hair on the top screen made a few pathetic spins before slashing around wildly with a sword, however every attack still missed the three enemies which landed a few blows on the boy in the process, the once five hearts in the corner of the screen immediately blinked before falling to just half a heart.

"Aah! No! Cry do something!"

Suddenly an identical boy appeared on the top screen, except that this one was wearing green gear, it quickly dispatched said enemies and collected the rupee that one of them dropped. The green clothed boy turned towards its red clad 'Damsel in distress'. A voice cut through the sound of Pewdiepie sighing in relief at the abrupt end of his enemies.

"Pewdie, how could you have missed ALL of them?" The voice clearly told any who listened that this rescue had not been the first.

Pewdiewpie held his hands up in defense. "Well I'm sorry! The game has it in for me!" He lowered his arms again and refocused on the two screen Nintendo console.

A long, loud laugh emitted from Pewdiepie's computer, "Oh Pewds you are a wimp."

Pewdie laughed until his mind processed the sentence. "Oh wait I'm not a wimp!"

"Everything here dies in one hit!"

"Ah whatever. I still have my awesome hat." Pewdiepie motioned the comment away with a flick of his wrist. The pair continued their journey until Pewdie interrupted Cry.

"Cry? What the hell did you do here?"

Cry, still laughing from something else, stopped abruptly. "Wha?" The green Link on the top screen began quickly making its way over to it's red counterpart, said character stood near the edge of the map, obviously not able to go any further, the edge of the screen's space was taken up with normal looking pixelated bushes and trees that faded to a black further on.

When Pewds saw that Cry had found him he made his character move out of the way, "Go there Cry."

Cry's character  moved away from where Pewdie had gestured, "Are you just gonna make me die for calling you a wimp?"

"Just go there Cry, don't worry about it!"

"But Pewdie.."

"Don't make me slap you Cry..." The red Link on the screen above slashed the air once with his sword to finish the mock threat.

"Fine, Goddamn you Pewdie.." Green Link moved forward to get a closer look. Over several continents away, Cry frowned when a weird shape came into view on his screen.

"It looks like a retarded version of you Cry." Pewdie laughed as he said this, unaware of any of the events that would occur in about five minutes...

 Another Green Link stood motionless just where the forest map's edge faded into black, it seemed to be stood on a small pedestal, arms flat against it's side, however it was more defined and proportioned with sharper ears against the usual large eyes little ears theme of Pewdie and Cry's characters. What was the most unnerving about this 'Other Link' was the face, emotionless yet it looked like it was attempting a smile which only added to it's sinister atmosphere.

Cry moved away from his creepy 'twin' and back towards Pewdie.

"Pewds I don't know what its supposed to be. Its probably a glitch."

"Damn Cry I never knew your bro was so creepy." Pewdiepie laughed, forgetting about the other Link and moved Red back towards where they were supposed to be going.

Cry followed, "Its not my fault, my mom's the one who dropped him." He let go of his DS for a moment, "I'm gonna get a drink."

Pewdie nodded, distracted with the game. "Kay, see you in a minute." As Cry left the DS on bed, Pewdie carried on playing before he felt a weird sensation.

As if there were someone else in the room.

Shrugging it off Pewdie carried on playing when he heard the sound of his phone vibrating on his desk, he stopped and turned his attention to the small communicational device and frowned in confusion when the screen showed no sign of a text or call. He turned to look back at the DS screen. He froze as he saw that both screens had turned into a lifeless black, as Pewdiepie frantically pressed a load of buttons to get his save file back, a single text box popped up.

Pewdie read it and blinked, perplexed before something hard collided with the back of his head. His vision faded as he saw a green blur appear in front of him. A single sentence echoing over and over before he lost consciousness...


Cry came back to his room when he heard his phone go off, he was about to pick it up when he realized a strange noise was emitting from his computer.


His call was only answered with a strange static sound.

Before he could comprehend the situation a voice whispered from behind...

"You shouldn't have done that."


Ooh, Cliffhanger!

This is what my awesome friend PunkNoodles and I was planning, Check her stories out sometime, they're so good! We hope you guys love this, and hopefully there will be more to come!

Until the next chapter, bye..!

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