Happy Thanksgiving!

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Hello everyone! For those of my readers in America, Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you all enjoy today and eat a ton of food! It's, like, the one day you can eat as much as you want and not feel guilty later.

I'm rather curious, what do you all do for Thanksgiving? Do you spend it with family? Maybe with friends? Do you go out somewhere or stay home?

Personally, my family and I spend it at each other's houses. This year, we will be having everyone over to our house, which means.... LOTS OF COOKING!!! You may not know this about me, but I love cooking, especially for Thanksgiving! Also, you get the leftovers, which is a bonus. Ironically, my cousins' family is usually super late to anything. Like, if you tell them to be somewhere at 4, they will come maybe around 5 or 5:30. Granted, they live an hour away, but that doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to come an hour and a half later. It's gotten so bad that we literally start making bets about what time they arrive. The winner usually gets a candy bar or something, but it's quite competitive - sometimes down to the minute or second. We have fun :)

Anyway, I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving!!! I'll see you in another chapter, update, or in real life soon!
~Vicky, aka the fabulous author of this book

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