Bullies part 1

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One Month Later

Me groans and pulls my
Pillow over
My head to block it out.
The beeps get louder
And more annoying.

I grab the
Alarm clock and chuck
It across the
Room.It finally stops,so
I peak out from
Under my blanket."Shit I
Broke it!!!!Mom's gonna
Kill me!!!"I thought. I jump out
Of bed and
Pick it up."Good it
Isn't broken"I sigh
In relief.I grab
My phone and check the
Time.Great it's
Monday. I have to
Go to .........*dramatic music
In the background*

I set out three outfits

I Decide to Wear the first one

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I Decide to
Wear the first one.
I run down the
Stairs to the kitchen and grab
A poptart and shout "Bye
Mom love u!!!"
Mom:Um....ok sweetie
Love you.
I start to slow
Down to a
Jog.My school's
Only a few blocks away.

A few minutes later

As I enter
The glass doors,I hear
My tormentor's voice.

Helen:And where do you think
Your going?
Me:*keeps walking*
Helen:*shove me against lockers*
Did you not hear me,bitch!!!
Me:Stop it!!I need to get to class!!!
Helen:Well before you do,I wanna
Have a little fun............

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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