It was almost 8:00 When we arrived,and I was Extremely excited.I dashed to the back of the car and grabbed my bags.I also had to grab my notebook.Half of the way home,I just doodled a bit. Katy was already to the front door.I quickly ran to catch up with her.
My split personality yelled in my mind.This isgoingtobefreakingawesome!!!, Nightmareyells.(The nameifhersplit personalityisNightmare becausethey'retotally oppositestoeachother) Ireplyto Nightmare'soutburst. "Shutup!!!" Nightmare:Fine... Katy:Maci,are you coming? Iquickly snap out of my thoughts. Me:Uh...Yes ma'am. Katy:Alright I'll show you Your room.
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