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Farkle's POV
Me and Zay were hanging out at my house. We were waiting for Lucas. We were suppose to play Zombie apocalypse 5. Until this happened.
My dad knocked on the door. "Boys, can I come in?" "Yeah dad come in." "I have some bad news for you guys." "What" Zay said. "Somebody die or something." " Actually yes." My dad said. " Well who?" I asked. "Lucas." We didn't say anything for a while. Zay broke the silence. "This can't be true." " Well it is Zay. He got in a bad car accident." My dad said. "I'm going home. Farkle, I'll see you at school." Zay left. I heard him mutter under his breath "This can't be true." " I'll leave you alone." My dad said. When he left, all I did was sit down on the ground. Thinking to myself. " I can't believe he's dead." " I wonder how the girls are taking it?"
Rebecca's POV
I just heard the news. I can't believe it. Lucas. My big brother. He's dead. Gone. I refuse to believe it. But it's true. I went to my room and cried myself to sleep.
Riley's POV
I was in my room on my laptop. Reading stydia fanfic. Don't judge me. When my mom came in my room. "Riley I have some bad news." " What is it?" I asked. " Lucas is dead." " What?" "He's dead. I'll leave you alone." My mom said leaving. I don't believe it. Lucas. He was like a brother to me. I went back on my laptop. Trying not to think about it.
Maya's POV
My day was going great. It was a fine, great day. Until I heard the worst news in my entire life. I was on a Vampire Diaries marathon. My mom came in my room. Little did I know I was about to get the worst news ever. " Maya I have some news for you and I don't know how you'll handle it." " Mom, I can handle it. No matter what it is." "Ok well um.. Lucas he's um.." " Mom just say it already!" I yelled. " He's dead." " What?" I said trying to sound very calm. " He got in a very bad car accident. I'm so sorry, Maya." My mom said trying to comfort me. " Mom, can you please leave me alone." "Of course sweetie. But, before I go I just need to say one more thing". "What." " They can't find his body." My mom said quickly before exiting my room. I laid my head down on my pillow, crying myself to sleep.

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