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Since this book is ending soon. I want you guys to check out the first chapter of my book, Bad Boys Crush. Let's get on with the chapter now.
1 year later (Everyone except Rebecca-19 Rebecca-17
Maya's POV
I can't believe it. Today's the day I marry Lucas Friar. I'm just looking at myself in the mirror. I love everything about this. Even the dress. And I usually don't compliment myself on dresses. (Dress is above) I hear a knock on the door. "Maya can we come in?" Riley said. "Yes you can." I said still looking at myself. Riley, my mom, and stepdad come in. "Peaches you look beautiful." Riley said. "I agree with Riley, baby girl you look beautiful." My mom says. "Thank you." I said. "I can't believe you're getting married. Zay and Smackle just got engaged." Riley said. "Riles, you're making it sound like you and Farkle's relationship is going nowhere. You and Farkle are getting married in 4 months." I said. "But 4 months is so far away." Riley said. "As much as I love you guys talking about your future, Maya I need to walk you down the aisle." My dad said. "Let's do this." I said. Crossing my arms with my dad. Let the wedding begin.
Lucas's POV
The wedding has begun. Rebecca decided that she doesn't want to walk down the aisle since she has no one to walk down with. But her being one of the bridesmaids is by Maya's side. Riley, Maya's maid of honor is walking down with Farkle, one of my groomsmen. Then Zay and Smackle walk down. Auggie, the ring bearer walks down with Ava, the flower girl. It's hard to think their already 12. Finally Maya comes down the aisle with Shawn. She looks stunning. She comes down the aisle and gives Shawn a hug. Shawn sits down and the ceremony begins. [Skip to vows because I can.] "You may now say your vows." The priest says. "I'll go first." Maya said. "Lucas, I never thought my best guy friend would be my soulmate.  But when you asked me to be my girlfriend, I knew you were my true love. Now I'm standing here and we're getting married. Lucas Friar, you are my Ross to my Rachel. The Chandler to my Monica. The Stefan to my Caroline." Maya says repeating the last part from my proposal. I clear my throat and begin my vows. "Maya, I thought I would never love someone the way I love you. I never thought Maya Hart would be my soulmate. But when I asked you to be girlfriend, I saw a future. Maya, we've been through some crazy things while we were dating. Now we can go through some crazy things while we're married." I said. Maya was on the verge of tears. "Maya Penelope Hart do you promise Lucas Friar to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live?" The priest said. "I do." Maya said. "Lucas Tristan Friar do you promise Maya Hart to be you lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live." The priest said. "I do." I said. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest says. I give Maya a kiss as I am filled with joy that Maya Hart is now Maya Friar.
[At the dinner]
We are now enjoying the wonderful dinner. "This dinner is AMAZING." Farkle said. "Your just saying that because we got Texas style ribs and last time we were in Texas you ate ten plates." I said. We all laughed. "Haha very funny." Farkle said. "Lucas can we say it now." Zay said. "Yes you may." I said. Zay and Rebecca stand up. " What are they going to say?" Smackle and Riley both said. All of a sudden Zay and Rebecca yell "OTP IS MARRIED!" "Guys be louder I'm pretty sure Europe didn't hear you." Maya said. "We've been waiting to say that since the priest said you may now kiss the bride." Rebecca said. We laugh once again. I wonder in my mind what the future has in store for us.
Hey guys. Hope you guys liked the chapter. It's hard to believe the next time I update this book it will be the final chapter. Love you guys. Sorry if the vows sucked.
~Riley 😜😎
Words: 745

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