Chapter Three.

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  The morgue was fucked. Blood was on every surface from the walls to the examination tables and even the ceiling had some of the crap smeared on it. All of the glass equipment was shattered and and chemicals were mixing with the blood and the glass. There was one examination table flipped on its side and dented so bad that it was almost a complete ninety degrees. The smell of blood, chemicals, piss, and feces coated everything and violently mixed with the distinct scent of rotten apples and vinegar: the scent of a newly turned and completely terrified Wolf. 

  Said Wolf was laying unconscious in the corner of the room, breathing heavily and finally unconscious due to being under anesthesia. It'd taken well over an hour to inject her with enough anesthesia to knock her out and then another hour for it to kick in and knock her on her ass. Neither Wolf had made it unscathed through that time.

  During that entire time, fear had translated to rage and she'd decided to hunt Bane around his own damn morgue and attack him as many times as she could get close to him. That was why his left arm was torn almost completely to shreds and Bane was reclined against the wall next to her, his legs resting over her body as he held what used to a white rag to his bloody forearm. His cursing had stopped but his scent was still tainted with fury. His eyes were glinting gold when North stepped into the room. He was not in the mood to be fucked with anymore than he already had been.

  "What the fuck?" The Alpha deadpanned, looking around the normally white and stainless steel room. 

  "That's what I wanna know," Bane growled lowly. North turned to face him and immediately forced his stance to relax. Bane was obviously not in the mood to be fucked with anymore than he already had been and North was not ready to push the lone Wolf towards the edge any more.

  "How in the hell did we miss a Turning?" Bane was watching the Alpha closely, holding himself very still. He could feel how close to bursting through his beast was. It probably wasn't accurate but he thought that if he moved about too much, he'd end up losing control and shifting. "How in the hell did you, a damn Alpha, miss a fucking Turning?"

  "I've never had to deal with one," North shrugged, jamming his hands into his pockets. Bane growled, obviously dissatisfied with the answer. North continued talking. "The last recorded Turning that happened successfully was almost one 130 years ago. It's banned unless the sanctioned so, none of us know how to handle it, much less detect it."

  The Wolf stirred slightly, twitching in her sleep. North shifted his attention to her, purposefully not paying attention to Bane's stance stiffening almost protectively. She was a blend of grays and blacks with just a little white; her front right paw had a black sock while her left had a white one. Her coat was smooth that looked soft and fluffy to the touch. There was some heavy black eyeliner surrounding her closed eyes. Even when she was relaxed, North could see the  muscles under her fur. She was small by Wolf standards but big by wolf standards. Overall, she appeared to be in her physical prime and the perfect addition to any pack. 

  "What the fuck happened here?" Maddox's voice echoed the surprise on his face as he walked into the room. Not looking at Bane, he walked around the room slightly, glass crunching under his boots. Bane and his Wolf took that as personal insult with every crunch of glass throwing salt in the wound.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" Bane snarled, leaning forward. He'd dropped the rag and buried his hand in the Wolf's fur. North arched his eyebrow in curiosity at him.

  "North called," Wolfe explained as he entered behind Maddox. Bane growled at him too, eyes narrowed. 

  "Why the fuck did you call them? I called you," he said pointedly to North. He hadn't taken his now solid gold eyes off Maddox. Before North had a chance to say much of anything, Maddox interrupted.

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