Chapter 39

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*Ty POV*

After rehearsals, I was sitting in my hotel room sleepy as fuck.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I pulled my shirt off and laid on the bed.

The door opened and Cam came in.

"We got another rehearsal in about an hour bruh."

I rolled my eyes.

Damn, I been around Nicki too much, rolling my eyes and shit.

"Shit, can't we hold it off till tomorrow?"

He laughed. "I'm tired of doing this shit too. But you got another show tomorrow so this shit gotta be perfect."

"Man iight. Let me take a quick nap. Wake me up in like 45 minutes."

"Iight." He shut the door and I closed my eyes.

My phone started ringing.

"You can't be serious right now." I groaned.

I leaned over and picked up my phone without looking at the Caller ID.

"What it do?" I answered.

"Aye bitch. What's been going down?"

I laughed. "My nigga Trell. How you been?"

"Shit, living down in Puerto Rico I think I turned into a Mexican."

"Yo ass sounding like Mijo right now." I chuckled.

"Damn near. You heard the news though?"

I closed my eyes. "Nah what?"

"I'm coming back home."

"No bullshit?"

"Nah. Nicki pops found out who killed Nikko. Some unknown ass dude. But we gotta stay here for a couple more months because we into it with these tacos."

I busted out laughing. "Tacos? You so racist."

He started laughing too. "No I'm not. But let me hit you back later. This puerto rican bitch about to give me the Mexican NECK!"

"You fooling. But alright then my nigga, love."

"It's all love man."

I hung up the phone and got comfortable in my bed.

I miss Nicki pregnant ass. Niggas will be back at the crib in a few days. Two more shows then I'm out this bitch.

"Bestfriendddddd." Another knock at the door.

"Come in girl." Niggas can not get no sleep around here.

Kristen opened the door and sat on the bed. She poked one of my toes.

"Stop touching my feet. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm bored." She sighed.

"I'm tryna go to sleep."

"Guess I will then too."

Kristen laid down next to me and put her head on my chest. Nah this ain't my girl and I don't like her. She my bestfriend. I mean she cute as fuck and she got an ass on her. But shit, what do you expect when you Mexican? Not to mention, she the one who called the police when I got the concussion one day. We got in touch and she been my bestfriend ever since. And strictly bestfriends, nothing more or less. Honest to God.

She cuddled up next to me and I put my hand on her back and drifted off to sleep until the next rehearsal.

*Nicki POV*

I sat on Kimmy's bed as me, her, and Mariah watched Bring It On. I just came back from visiting Ty's mom. Kai is doing good but looks REALLY different. I'm not sure if Ty seen her yet but he sure as hell gone be shocked when he get back.

"One, three! Cheer, cheer!" Mariah was standing in front of the tv clapping and stomping her feet, trying to be a cheerleader.

"Mommy look!" She jumped in the air and clapped at the same time, thinking she was really doing something.

"Good job baby but I can do that too." Kimmy stuck her tongue out at her.

"No you can't mommy. Auntie can't either." She giggled.

"Actually I can." I told her.

"No you too fat."

Kimmy started laughing. "Mariah..."

"Sorry. I love you fat TT." Mariah came up to me and kissed my stomach. "When her coming?"

"2 more months. Around your birthday, when you turn.... hmmmm how old are you turning in December?"

"This much!" She held up four fingers. "I gonna be a big girl." She turned her attention back to the tv.

"I can't wait till I have my own child. I wanna be pregnant one day." Kimmy said while rubbing my stomach.

"No the hell you don't. It's stressful."

"I can handle it." She chuckled. Mariah stood in front of the tv yawning.

"Looks like someone is getting sleepy." Kimmy walked over to her and picked her up.

"Mommy no!" Mariah started crying.

"Imma get going." I stood up and kissed Mariah.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled.

"Okay Ms. Grumpy Pants." I laughed.

She started crying even louder. "I'm not that! My pants not grumpy!"

"Girl you better lower yo tone." Kimmy told her. "When daddy get home from the studio I'm telling him that you was being bad."

"NOOOO MOMMY!" Mariah cried. "I sorry."

"Aye I'm about to get going. Going out with a friend anyways." I smirked.

"And who is this friend?"

I took out my phone and showed her a picture of Scott that I found on Instagram.

"He's cute! But remember what you got at home waiting for you."

"Kimmy I know. I'm not gonna do anything dumb."

We said out goodbyes and I drove back home.

It's so boring here without Ty. But I'm just gonna enjoy myself tonight with this FRIEND.

As I sat down in Ty's "king chair", my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You better be ready in like 20 minutes girl."

I laughed. "Boy shut up. I been ready."

Scott chuckled. "Anxious huh?"

"Bye Scott."

"Iight ma."

I hung up the phone smiling and shit. I think I got me a new bestfriend or something.

This chapter was assy, so I wanna do two updates tn.

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