That's Right! I'm a Messenger!

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Jack was starting to think that it was a good time to go back. Back to his world where he can have fun with the kids, back to the world where he was unseen, back to where there were no dragons chasing him. Like, right now. He tried to block them with ice only to realize it made them angrier. These reptiles were also smart. Sooner or later, he was sure he'll be toast. Literally.

Option one: Tire them out. They're animals. Animals have energy. They've been chasing him for a long time so they'll be tired soon, right? Jack groaned. That was a stupid idea. He might still be a spirit but even he has his limits. It wouldn't be long before he gets turned into an ice cold snack.

Option two: Run and hide like a little scared bunny. He cursed. He was above the ocean! He was tempted to dive in, thinking that maybe these dragons aren't waterproof but he saw something emerged from it, striking one of the dragons down, and that's a good enough reason to label this as a bad idea. Plus he might get flashbacks of his past life and that's not what he needed right now.

He went blindly went straight, not caring where he was going and instead focused on being able to survive.

Okay, Jack. You can do this. Think of an option three, three.. three... wait is that a tre-

Jack didn't notice that he was heading towards a tree populated island. He leaned on the tree he just hit, as he rubbed his painful forehead. He heard the dragons land behind him and stood up quickly to face them. He held out this staff in what he hoped was a threatening stance. "Stay back." He started to move his staff back and forth as his thoughts raced. He can freeze them maybe, it didn't do much but it could just serve as a distraction for him to escape. Just as he was about to aim the first shot he heard another noise.

"What is it this time, Toothless?" He heard someone speak. The footsteps were getting nearer. He heard the rustle of leaves, "What...?" He turned behind him to see a boy, around his age with brown hair. He may seem lanky but he could see that he had muscles in the right places. Beside him, a black dragon peeked from his shoulder, starting at him curiously.

"Don't worry, I can handle this." Jack said as he returned in defense position. "Worry about yourself, you have a dragon behind you."

The boy moved forward as if to stop him, "Are you sure you could handle this?" He gestured to the dragons that surrounded them. "And don't worry about Toothless, he's fine."

Jack stared at him, "Of course I'd like some help but what can you do?" The brunette gestured him to the side as he moved in front of him. "Are you crazy?" The boy ignored him. He huffed as he lowered his staff, "Fine. Have it your way! But don't go calling for my help."

The boy shrugged. "We're fine. Toothless go calm him down."

The black dragon approached him a some-what grin on it's face. It nudged his hand as if he wanted to be pet and Jack obliged. Why can't the rest of them be this cute?

He then watched as the boy looked at the dragons as he crossed his arms. "Come on, guys. You had your fun. Go back to your homes." Jack stared at him in this belief. This was his plan?! He held his staff tighter, originally doing what he planned but to his amazement, the dragons all let out a groan, as if they were being scolded.

He watched as one by one flew away. The last one, licking the boy's face, before flying away.

Could he be the one he was searching for?

Jack sat down, finally able to rest. "So, who are you?" The boy asked as he stared at him. "You look like you don't belong here."

"Yup. I'm Jack Frost. You?" Jack asked him as he stood up and dusted himself.

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