Chapter 6 - Stay The Night

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"What do you want to watch on Netflix?" George asks while snuggling up to me. 

"We could watch American Horror Story." I reply. 

"I like your taste but I was thinking a movie." He replies back. 

He then scrolls over to the romance movie on the home page. He then turns to me. 

"Do you want to watch this one?" He asks me. 

I nod my head at him as I didn't feel like speaking too much. He then clicks on the movie and I reposition myself in the cuddle. 


In the middle of watching the movie, George's mum comes into the room and gives us some homemade biscuits. 

"Let me know if you need anything." His mum says politely. 

She then walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her. I then lift up one of the biscuits and taste it. It tastes delicious! After eating the biscuit, I snuggle back into George. He then lifts one of my hands up and carries it over to his lips where he kisses it. 

"I love you Alicia Rivera." He cries with happiness. 

"I love you too." I reply back. 


The movie had ended a while ago so all we were doing was making conversation until he then started snogging me with all his passion like he did last Friday. 

"I'm getting a bit hot" George exclaims. 

"You are already hot." I say trying not to giggle. 


"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" George asks moving my hair behind me. 

I blush as I am so overwhelmed. In my opinion, I think I need to lose weight but George sees me as a radiant goddess. 

"Am I fat?" I ask George insecurely. 

"No you ain't fat, you are perfect. You have such an amazing body and I ain't even lying." George answers me. 

He holds me against him and starts kissing my lips several times.


Later on we are chilling out on his bed laying beside each other. George's phone then starts ringing. George answers the phone. 

"Hello." George says. 

"Hello it's Richard here with Cel." The person on the phone says.

"What's up?" George asks confused. 

"It's Shannon." Both Richard and Cel say at the same time. 

"I knew Shannon was up to something." George replies. 

"So what happened was Shannon has been saying mean things about Alicia, calling her names and she mentioned that she doesn't want you with her." Cel explained.

I gasp with fear that I'll lose my lover and friend. George then takes his arm and holds it on my stomach. 

"Basically Shannon fancies you George." Richard says. 

"But I love him too much." I reply. 

"I would never let this beautiful girl go even if Shannon promises me everything in the world." George says romantically. 

The sentence is so beautiful that my heart melts. 

"I have tried everything to shut that dog up but she won't give up." Richard says. 

"What exactly did that dog say?" I ask full with fury. 

"Said you needed to go on a diet, said you were ugly, called you a spastic and said you were unintelligent." Richard answers me. 

My eyes are now like taps running at full blast. George places my head on his shoulder and conforts me. 

"Why don't you guys stay over tonight?" Richard asks us. 

"Yeah that'll be good for us." George replies. 

"See you at my house then." Richard replies back. 

"Ok bye." George says. 

"Bye" Richard and Cel say together. 

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