Day Three

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~Forever And Always~

-Day Three-

Cassandra's POV ||

You know what's funny? Is that I didn't get a car. I was actually looking forward for a new car but I guess I don't get a new car.

I was actually really happy that Jackson, Liam, and Calie would do something like this for me. I didn't even know that they knew about Todd. Well Calie is in my house more than I ever am so maybe she's seen the pictures and then just came up with the idea.

"Hey Cassandra" Todd said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"How did you get in here" I asked him.

"Austin let me in" he chuckled.

"Oh right" I smiled.

"So you wanna go to Victoria's" he asked.

How does he know about her?

"How do you know about her" I asked him.

"I saw her yesterday" he said.

"You did" I asked him.

"Yup I went up to her and asked how she knew you" he said.

"How did you even know she was my friend" I asked.

"I asked Austin who she was" he said.

"What are you like into her or something" I smirked.

"Maybe" he smirked back.

"Your like twice her age" I laughed.

"You see this charm" he said pointing to his face.

"Don't be so full of yourself" I told him.

"She won't like it" I added.

"So you ready to go" he asked.

Damn someone's excited.

"Yeah give me a few" I said.

"Ok I'll be in the car" he said and walked away.

Oh him and his so called charm. Thats gonna be kinda weird. Victoria and my brother. Ohff. Oh well it is what it is.


"Hey Victoria" I greeted her with a hug.

"Hey" she said back.

"So I heard you meet my brother yesterday" I said.

I could see her cheeks turn red great she's into my brother isn't she?

"Yeah he's really nice" she smiled.

"You know he has a kid right" I chuckled as she spit out her water.

"Is he married" she asked.

"Nah him and his wife got a divorce 2 years ago" I said.

"Oh how olds the kid" she asked.

"I don't know I think like 11 or 12" I said.

"Great teens. Is it a boy or girl" she asked.

I looked at her like she was crazy or something.

"What I gotta know what I'm getting myself into" she said.

"I believe it's a girl" I said.

"I can deal" she said and wandered off.

Nice talking to you to Victoria.

"Hey babe" someone said wrapping their hands around me from behind.

"Who is it" I asked.

"Guess" they said.

"Umm Ryan Reynolds" I said. Damn he is one mighty fine man.

"Cute" he said sarcastically.

"Am I right?" I asked.

"No it's Austin Mahone" he said.

"Oh even better" I smirked.

He turned me around and kissed my cheek.

"Your such a tease" I said.

"Yeah I know" he said.

"So we need to plan the wedding soon" he added on.

Honestly I haven't even been thinking about getting married lately. I was never one of those fairy tail girls who plans their wedding ever since they were 5 years old.

"The thing is Austin if my brothers not gonna be there then I'm not gonna get married to you" I said.

It's true I won't get unless he's there. Todd is the only thing I have left. The rest of my family is either dead or they don't like cuz of my mom. Which hurts but it is what it is.

You know you can't change the past and they should learn not move on and not hold a grudge against me for something I didn't even do to them.

"Cassandra you have to realize they if he can't come...he can't come, he has a job that is helping this world and once you found out he was going into the army you knew he would miss a lot; and you know he also had to stop and think to that he was gonna have to give up so much for his job, but he still did it anyway and you should be grateful enough that your seeing him alive here right now because people like you no offense Cassandra but people like you tend to take things for granted" he said.

"Yeah but Austin you don't understand he my only family I have left" I said.

He just does not get it does he?

"Yeah but Cassandra he's here right now you should be grateful and not push the boundaries" he said.

"So he should be at my wedding like I was at his to" I said.

"Yeah Cassandra you were at his wedding but did you ever stop to think that you have a less high demanding job than he does he's not home everyday he was even lucky just to get married and have a child" Austin said and kissed me on the top of my head and then left me standing there all by myself.

I guess I never really thought of it that way. Being his sister and having him in the army you do have to give up a lot and you have to get used to the fact that that they are not going to be with you every step of the way because there out doing you a bug favor in fighting for your country so you can have this freedom everyday.

So I guess Austin is right and I have to accept that he might not be able to come to my wedding but that doesn't mean he still doesn't love me its just the way life has to be and you just got to accept it and move on with your life and look on the bright side of things.


The sun was setting and we were all still having a blast on the boat Jackson and Abigail were playing checkers on the table by the spa. Austin and Liam were having a conversation about whatever. Calie, Victoria, and Todd were all chatting away in there little circle while eating some snacks.

And for me well you'll see.

"WOOOO" I said running over the handle bars of the boat jumping into the water.

The cool water felt good on my face and made all the stress go away. I felt real. I felt alive. Tomorrow is our last full day here we gotta live up for it. I resurfaced from under the water I was now swimming and everyone was watching me over the handle bars accept for Austin. Where is-

"Holy shit" I screamed as he jumped over the bars almost on top of me.

As he went under the water he dragged me under with him and pulled me close. I wrapped my legs around his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were on the small of my back and we both smashed are lips together.

As we resurfaced from underwater we were still kissing. It just felt so right and so wrong sense my brother was right there watching. But I'm in love and when your in love you just can't help yourself. Love makes you do some crazy shit. And that's a fact.

"Austin i will marry you no matter what" I said. As our foreheads touched. Causing both of us to smile.

"Even if-" I didn't let him finish.

"No matter what" I repeated.

He kissed me on the lips once more causing me to blush like old times.

"I love you" he told me.

"I love you more" I said.

"Nope not possible" he said wiping the water away with his thumb that was falling down my face.

He then put his hand to my cheek and rubbed it slightly with his thumb.

"No matter what happens we are forever and always" he said.

As we were all dry now I was sitting in Austin's lap with his hands snaked around my waist and my head laying on his shoulder. I whispered words into his ear making him quiver.

"You and me" I whispered.

"Tonight" he said.

"Tonight" I said back. And he smirked knowing what we both meant.

I looked over at Victoria and she was sitting next to Todd and they were smiling at each other. And then I looked over at Calie and Liam and they were like full on in the corner deep throating each other. I nudged Austin and pointed my head to their direction.

"Woo get some Liam" Austin shouted.

Oh my god embarrassing.

"Austin!" I hit him in the chest.

"What" he said all innocent.

I just rolled my eyes at him. When it got dark we all called it a night and went back to our hotels.

I just got done putting Abigail down to sleep and she was snoring just a little it was so adorable.

I made my way back into mine and Austin's room and he was laying on the bed with his arms under his head watching TV.

I crawled on the bed over to him placing my hand under his shirt and moving my hand up his stomach to his chest. He turns off the TV and sits up and moves me to his lap I have both legs on either side of his thighs. He cups my face and kissed me not hard but gently.

As it got more heated he took off my shirt leaving me only in my black laced bra and some of my jean shorts. His ham reached the hem of my shorts and undid them as are lips were still connected.

As he threw them off I quickly took off his shirt and traced his perfectly toned abs with my index finger. Leaving him with the goose bumps all over. I then still tracing his abs with one hand with the other I found the hem of his basketball shorts and pulled those down as well. He smirked as he knew what was coming next. He unclipped my bra and threw it across the room and I felt the blush come onto my face.

"Baby you don't need to blush" he said seductively.

His words made every inch of my body tingle. Are lips now crashed together like a magnet. As I kissed his jaw line he let out a soft moan causing me to smile and place my hand on the hem of his boxers just as I was about to take them off he stops me.

"Are you sure tonight" he asked.

"Yes" I said ready to take off his boxers.

Before I could replay of his word my panties and his boxers were already off. And I was now letting moans escape my mouth as he was thrusting in and out of me.

As our love session slowly came to and end he both gasped for air. Pulling the sheets over are body and looking at each other.

He placed his hand on my cheek and said those three words I was dying to hear again.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said back.

Forever & Always (Austin Mahone/Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now