blue jay

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oh, the songs you sing now, blue jay
black-crested head lifted to the sky with your music
preaching, promising love, life, joy to my ears
that hear the tunes you do not sing for me

while you turn, face to the universe
wings outstretched to beauty those left cannot see
the earth grows behind you in orange and red
a symphony that will welcome your return

our blue jay, there is a place for you
though we fear you will not know us when you land
you are different from those you leave behind
though we will love you, and we are proud

you sing of futures you could see
and care not to show us the way, expecting us only
to trust; to believe in your words over actions
be careful, it will be too much to ask

you will change when you leave
your blue will be tinged with pollen and stardust
and while you are gone, we will miss you
but I too will not be the same

you will leave us, taking your place in the nebulae
as wonderful bright as you are, finding your spot among the stars
and your fellow fliers will love you
the way we flightless ones could not 

I, shaking the ice from my feathery wings
staying lower to earth, seeking beauty I understand
to save in my song of promise
for chilled loved ones returning

yet they will fall often into my arms
my yellow warmth to heal and comfort courage
with the balm of genuine love
and send them on their way

I have a song for all who can hear
of love, and life, and joy - of a promise ringing
in my breast to stay and watch the brave
and catch them if they fall 

still, you will have your own nesting branch
your own new songs that change with the phases of the moon
those who know your chorus shall cry out the same
but dear blue jay, never will you sing for me again

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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