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Ugh i had to write this with the worst chromebook ever so im sorry if the words are stuck together.... The spacebar is mildly broken

"Okay- now, I know you've probably heard already, but I'm assigning partner projects," his teacher, Mr. Moore announced. He was a man with little hair, and he had strict rules. He was also considered one of the more fun teachers, though. "You will not pick your partners, you'll be working with whoever is sitting next to you."


No way. No freaking way was he working with Phil Lester.

To say he was disappointed was an understatement. He was a bit scared, even. These were out of school projects, meaning they'd have to meet together somewhere. Dan hoped to god Phil Lester wouldn't beat him to a pulp.

"Sorry," he whispered to Phil Lester. He truly was sorry, for himself, and Phil Lester. He heard a sigh in return.

"Whatever," Phil Lester replied. Dan knew if he wanted to, he could guilt him into feeling bad, but he wasn't like that. He'd have to tell him he was blind, though, since they were doing a project, and Dan can't write.

"Should we go to my house- or your house?" Dan questioned, anxiously biting his lip.

"I don't care." Dan thought about it, and if he went to Phil Lester's, he wouldn't know where anything was, he'd bump into objects, and things of that nature. It was always awkward going somewhere new, because he'd run his hand against the wall- or whatever he was near- so he didn't get lost. Grocery shopping was a nightmare.

"Okay... we can go to mine. Just come over, like, whenever," Dan finished, in high hopes he didn't sound too demanding.


The bell was supposed to ring in seconds, and Dan honestly probably couldn't be more nervous. How in the world was he just supposed to blurt out "haha by the way I'm blind!" sand make it believable? God knows.

They were supposed to do some sort of experiment, seeing as it was chemistry class. Dan wasn't all too sure how he was supposed to help, maybe he and his mum could type up the papers explaining what happened... even though Dan won't know what happened...


"Alright, let's go weirdo," a voice snapped him out of his daydream. It was Phil, not many people in his school had a low voice. He nodded, running his hand against the wall until it came to an end. He was nervous,yes, but he probably had to tell Phil he literally couldn't see anything before he got home. He had certain things laid out so he never lost anything. Little things, like the salt and pepper having duct tape on their table stop so Dan could find them, having to make sure every bottle in the fridge was a different shape, a Braille keyboard in his room. It'd be really fucking weird if Phil didn't know he was blind.

"I eh- well- see, I actually have a reason for wearing these stupid sunglasses everyday," he attempted, hoping to spark a conversation. He heard Phil sigh for probably the millionth time from next to him, to which Dan bit his lip and lowered his head at.

"Yeah, and what's that? Looking like the schools biggest asshole?" Phil pushed, lips set in a thin line, not that Dan would know.

"Not exactly- no. I'm blind," Dan stated, huffing and crossing his arms.


Angrily, he grabbed Phil's shoulder and tugged off his glasses, showing pure brown eyes irises, no pupils. Phil was shocked to say the minimum, mixed with at least five other emotions. Why hadn't Dan told him? He'd been such a dick- ugh. Doesn't matter.


"Yeah- so, I'm obviously not happy about it, I don't really like to tell people because they think I'm weird and won't talk to me. Sorry," he concluded, winding his hands together behind his back and furrowing his eyebrows. Phil really did feel bad, but that didn't mean he liked Dan, no. That just meant he realized his wrong doing. He barely knew Dan.

"But like- have you always been blind?"


"That sucks."

"I know."

"How do you know how to get to your house?" Phil asked, growing more and more curious about how Dan even functioned without working eyes. Phil would be tripping every other second if he couldn't see.

"I count the steps. I know my way around town, from every spot in town. Though, usually I have my service dog," he explained, motioning as he spoke. Phil nodded, then soon remembered Dan couldn't see him. He did that on the phone, too.

"Oh, right. That's smart."

"Thank yo- fuck!" Dan exclaimed, throwing his arms down as he span in a circle. Phil looked at him funny, because really, he looked like a loony.

"What happened?" Phil questioned, putting a hand on his shoulder as to show he was there and listening.

"I miscounted- I have no clue where we are! God- I knew we should have gone to your house- I'm so sorry-"

"Dan, it's fine. Just tell me your address, I'll find it," he reassured, talking slowly as to make sure he didn't seem angry- or maybe he was one of those people that talk weird to disabled people? Surely not.

"Oh- right, I forgot you can actually see," he said, mumbling the last part. How did people see, anyway? It made no sense that people could just turn their head and know what all is around them, but somehow it worked, because everyone but Dan could find their shoes in the morning. He told Phil his address, and what color his mum had said his house was. He didn't know why color mattered though, how would you specify something by that? The whole seeing thing really did confuse Dan.

"We're literally right in front of it. Nice," Phil said hastily, slapping a hand on his back and pulling the door open for him. Dan was sort of dumbstruck, because he didn't miscount? He wasn't even paying attention... maybe god was just feeling exceptionally good today. He smiled as he entered.

"Dan honey- you're here later than normal! Did someth-"

"Oh! Who are you?" Dan's mum interrupted herself, stopping in front of Phil as her eyes darted all over his face.

"Phil Lester, ma'am," he answered politely, flashing a toothy smile at her. "I'm doing a chemistry project with Dan," he stated, motioning to Dan, who was standing against the now closed door.

"Okay- um, Dan told you about his... condition right?"

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