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Forrest Clan
Leader-Darkstar-black she cat with blue eyes
Deputy Redheart-dark ginger Tom with white spots and amber eyes
Medicine Cat-Flowertail-blonde tabby she cat with blue eyes
(Pinepaw-dark brown Tom with green eyes)
Warriors (Toms and She cats without kits)

Deerwing-big brown Tom with amber eyes
(Dreampaw-gold she cat with blue eyes)
Sunpelt-blonde she cat with blue eyes
(Batpaw-black Tom with green eyes)
Seedwhisker-light grey she cat with white socks and blue eyes
(Moonpaw-grey Tom with blue eyes)
Cloudheart-white Tom with one blue eye
(Redpaw-tabby Ginger Tom with blue eye)
Tigerfang-tabby ginger to with amber eyes
Barkstripe-Dark brown Tom with blue eyes
(Bloodpaw-dark ginger she cat with black socks and dark green eyes)
Pumpkenseeeds-ginger Tom with white under belly and green eyes
(Lightningpaw-Black she cat with blue eyes and grey spots)
Mapleleaf-brown she cat with patches and blue eyes

Queens (she cats nursing or expecting)
Brackenstripe-brown she cat with Amber eyes
Lightheart-black she cat with blue eyes

Elders (retired warriors)
Bearclaw-long haired brown Tom with bobbed tail
GoldenFlower-blonde she cat with Amber eyes

Cats out side of Clans
Ashpelt- grey Tom with white spots that lives at barn with Snowy
Snowy- White Tom with green eyes that lives at cow place
Sweetpea-tabby dark she-cat with green eyes kittypet that lives near cow place

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