"A medicine cat your pulling my fur" Pinepaw said "No I'm not your leg injury will make it to where you are not as fast and not a good fighter" Flowertail said "What about Cloudheart" Pinepaw said "he only has one eye" "this is true you both gained a disability in the fire but his was more miner than yours you have to limp around the camp he can only see out of one eye do you see the difference" Flowertail followed up "No I see no difference"
Pinekit said and limped outta the medicine cats den She doesn't get it my leg is fine I see no reason to become a medicine cat Pinepaw opened his ears to listen and he heard Serpenttail talking to his littermate Flamepaw "let's see I think it would be best to explore the territory first and if we get done go hunting" Pinepaw heard Serpenttail say Pinepaw dug his claws in the dirt as Flamepaw and Serpenttail went through the thorn barrier I'm just a good for nothing 3 legged fireball Pinepaw thought "Dont look so glum your first gathering is tonight" Flowertail tried to make Pinepaw fell better "Will the white warrior be there" Pinekit crouched as if he had seen a cat of Starclan "Who's the white warrior" Flowertail asked
Starting a fire
AcakWhen Flowertail sees a sign that 3 cats will have sense like no other and walk with cats in his dreams another will have paws that will carry where the wind blows the last will have the nine lives of a leader each life with a different oucoeme .Mean...