Chapter 8

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You woke up.

The world was the same, except, the calendars said 2017 on it.

You saw an apology letter from England written in fine calligraphy with the date from a few years past.

You saw that what was in your hand was a rose, with the tag of 'Alfred F. Jones' on it. The thing was, the rose was wilted. You woke up at night, to see that the doctors saw you were awake, and wrote everything down on a clipboard.

After a few minutes in the hospital, you were given back our phone that had a new case that said 'Lo' on it, Alfred's having 'Ve'.

You dialed his number quickly, breathing heavily as you waited for him to answer. After three rings, he finally did.

"A-Alfred!" You exclaimed on the phone as it grew silent. You but your lip nervously as the silence anticipated you. "Alfred, answer me! Please I'm getting worried!"

"Uh, _____?" Alfred asked in a confused voice.

'Oh no it's happening again...' you thought in your mind as you felt like you were going to cry.

"______! You're okay! Hold on sit tight and don't have a heart attack I'm headed to the hospital right now to pick you up!" Alfred exclaimed as you sighed in relief as he hung up on the phone.

You saw a CD sit next to you as the cover was written in black sharpie. "Play song ~Alfred F. Jones."

You looked at it to see a stereo next to you, as you opened the lid, putting in the cd, and played the song in a soft tone.

You heard the whole song, at first, could not help but laugh, and later on, you heard the bridge, as you gulped, quickly pausing the music when you saw Alfred standing there, with a clutter of things in his hand.

A bouquet of roses, a heart box of chocolates, his guitar strapped to his back and two burgers, freshly cooked and made.

"_______, I got so worried I thought that you would never wake up!" Alfred exclaimed and say at your bedside as he stared at the stereo with the song that was playing earlier.

He ignored it and handed you the things before giving you a kiss on the lips. You were still a bit shaken up from what had happened.

After all of that, you felt like your day was bursting with color when he walked through that door, and the world was like a colored coloring book, the moment your lips touched.

You gave him a smile as he scooted closer, ending up with the both of you on the hospital bed, eating burgers and conversing about what happened while you were gone.

"I forgot you for a brief amount of time. I had to convince England to change my memories. Soon enough, it did happen," Alfred said as he removed his bomber jacket, to reveal that instead of wearing military clothing, he wore normal clothes. A pair of jeans, with a red shirt under and a white hoodie over it.

"I'm no longer known as America. I gave up being a country, since it was possible, so I could be with you, _____. And we can grow old together, like it said in the song," Alfred said as you took a bite out of your burger and nodded, giving him a smile as you chewed your burger.

Once there was nothing in your mouth, you began to sing the chorus. "The list could go on and on, on how I love you so," you began as Alfred began with the rest.

"From when we were children, in the snow, to when we grow old," Alfred began to sing as you noticed he had gotten better at singing.

"How I'd love it to be, both you and me, whenever I tell you I love you, My Dear Alfie," you said and pinched his cheeks as the both of you hummed the instrumental as you shrugged.

"I think we should change the bridge," you said as Alfred nodded, finishing his burger, tossing it in the trash, and taking out his guitar, as he began to play the chords for the verse.

"Hm....seeing you on the sidewalk, running in pouring rain..," you trailed off, looking at Alfred who shrugged.

"I'm not good with lyrics you heard my horrible song," Alfred said as you sighed, holding the half-eaten burger in your hand and began to think.

"Running in the pouring I ran into you, releasing all of my pain. It was like the sun was out, even though it was raining, no doubt. With you I feel like everything is a breeze. Because that's how much I love you, My Dear Alfie..," you trailed off, taking a munch from your burger.

"Aaahhh ______, you're making me blush," Alfred said in embarrassment as you laughed at him.

"You dork," you told him as he wrote down the lyrics. You finished the rest of your burger, throwing the wrapper in the trash as you looked at Alfred, wondering a few things.

Wondering why he gave up the privilege to be a hero, when country personifications had immortality, and he could save so many people. Instead, he decided to stay with you, his damsel in distress, to give up his title just to be with you, forever, and to grow old together...

"I love you with my whole heart, _____," Alfred told you as he got up, holding you bridal style for the third time like he always does when you exit the hospital for whatever reason and you were brought back to the apartment, as you sat on the office chair, deleting the last bridge and replacing it with a new one.

"Ready for recording?" Alfred asked as you nodded, giving him a thumbs up as he clicked on a button, giving you a countdown.


You sang the bridge while the recording of the guitar was playing in the background, as you held the headphones up to your ear and you began to sing in the microphone with the lyrics in front of you.

After singing the bridge, you turned to Alfred as he put his arms around you, typing on the keyboard and uploaded two things to his YouTube channel.

My Dear Alfie - Solo

My Dear Alfie - Duet Ver. Ft Me!!

"You dork," you said and got up from the office chair and looked at him with a smile. "But you're my dork," you said as Alfred laughed.

"Finally, you said it after all these years I've been hoping for you to say it!" Alfred exclaimed, pulling you into a passionate kiss, his hands running through your hair, as you kissed him back.

You eventually pulled away from the kiss, staring into each other's eyes as you looked into Alfred's who had a smile on his face. "And after all these years, we finally finished that song," Alfred said as he laid down on his childish superman bed as you sat on the left side, staring at the original music notes Alfred wrote down sixteen years ago.

"Let's see how it ends up," you said and laid down next to him, turning off the lamp. "Goodnight, Alfred," you said as he wrapped his arms around you, again.

"I'm never letting go of you that easily again," Alfred said as you blushed, smiling at the thought with your eyes closed as you held his arm, resting your head on your pillow. Well, his pillow.

"I won't either," you said.

"Come on, ______ you already took a bullet for me you don't need to say that," Alfred said as you laughed silently, almost falling asleep now that you knew you were safe and sound instead of in a hospital.

"Maybe I do," you said as Alfred chuckled, before nuzzling his head on your neck, his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Sweet dreams, _____," he said before you fell asleep.

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