C2 - A New Friend ?

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 File # 1 - Nick  

'That stupid dragon lady almost got me late on my first day of school how dare she suspect I am a pervert she just - I sigh because the damage was done there is no way to reverse time . I'm just happy about 2 things . 1) I'll never see her I mean this school is huge and so much people 2) I got here but I wish I didn't . Now that guy on the stage  he's the true pervert .

I realize I've standing still while laughing at the floor .People think I'm a freak .I look back up and I regret it already It's the dragon lady I put on my hoodie but I still stare at her 

She looked frustrated  and mad but also confused looking at a paper, I start to laugh to myself trying not to laugh out loud to myself.  As I walk past her and  I looked a little and she looked like a tomato and by accident I laughed out loud .She must of heard me because as soon as that happened I felt my back over whelmed with pain and I'm meet Eye to Eye with her and she pulled my hood down.

I look as her and her face is with rage 'pppppppppppfffffffffffftttttttttt' I try to hold it in but my cheeks couldn't hold it in anymore and I felt her let go and i land on the floor laughing my ass of and I'm crying while rolling grabbing  my stomach it hurts .

File # 2 - Dragon Lady

'HOW DARE HE LAUGH AT ME THAT PERVERTED BASTARD ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY ......................... wait in front of everyone


In Front of Everybody

I look around and everybody is staring  or laughing .I'm ruined I'll never be the best warrior .I pull my hood up so it covers my face and drag this dweeb by the hood and drag him by the hood. I look around and there's a door to     outside and I pin him to a tree and I grab him by the collar and I take out my purple dagger . I put the tip on his nose. 

But this idiot doesn't seem to care and wipe a tear away and coughs ''I'm so sorry if I embarrass you but It was way to funny you should take some anger management classes ''

Did he just

''HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT MY TOURMENT I'M RUINED I'LL NEVER BE THE BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS ( Get it Pokemon reference ) '' I was about to stab the dagger next to his head untill he slipped away and took the  panflit in my other hand  

'' So - he tries to catch his breath - So this is what your frustrated about . How are you gonna be the best if you can't even get to the cafeteria to register .Come on lets go '' he knows that but yet not to shut his trap  

'' You do huh hm maybe I won't kick your ass if you show me kay '' I cross my arms and look away I'm embarrass he has to show this to me 

''Hm okay lets go '' he grabs my wrist and we were back in the building until he stops and I bumped into his back ''Hey idiot why'd we stop '' he turns to face me and smiles

''What's your name because I don't think dragon lady is relevant '' he says and scratched the back of his neck I smile for a sec 

''Madeline '' ''What ?'' ''My name is Madeline '' '' well I'm Nick '' he holds his hand out 


I realize what he's trying to do he's trying to hit on me well not again 

I kick him in the face ''Don't flatter me idiot 'kay I still know your a perverted bastard '' I grab him by the hoodie ''Right or left '' he shakenly point lefty and mutters ''Left ''


Hey hope you like that and leave a question if your confused

( Under Editing ) New Born Team but one Shooting Star Where stories live. Discover now