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Hey it's Jocelyn, sorry I know I haven't writer in a while but I kinda lost my password and I just found it a few days ago so I'm back. Enjoy this new part.

So I have a little bit of an experience with divorces and by me I mean my parents. It is very hard for a child if they are young to understand what is going on. Sometimes even teens cannot seem to grasp the situation.

Many children go to sleep saying that will never happen to my family were doing awesome then the next /boom/ your parents are getting divorced.

There are so many affects that occur when this happens including: kids grades drop in school, some become depressed, some may think that the divorce was because of them, maybe they feel useless because they have no say in things. Trust me i felt mostly all of this.

One thing you want to do is stick with friends my friends help me through this stuff and if your friends really care they would help you too.

This situation is a very hard place to be in. But if you can find someone to talk to where you can tell them everything that is a really good thing. Now it is  pretty hard being in my shoes bc one of my parents do not like to talk to the other parent. So it is putting me and my sister in the middle of everything.

If that happens then usually the oldest will try and be the adult so the younger sibling. Now this does not always happen but parents seem to ask more of you at a younger age when they are divorced I have found out.

Most the time so don't really talk to many people about what I do to calm myself down when like something is wrong. So instead I try and watch like NCIS, or criminal minds, or listen to music. That usually calms me down.

So try doing something you love to take you minds off of things for a few minutes to clear everything in your head. Maybe that will help. 


Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while not only has a lot of stuff been going on in my family but I lost my password and username for a while. It's a long story. Hope you like it and hope it was helpful I will be coming out with a new chapter hopefully soon. ~ Jocelyn

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