No Longer a Secret

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Dipper and Mabel pines was on the bus to gravity falls, they had not come back for 4 years, and boy how they grow.

 Mabel grew into a beautiful teen, she still has her childish personality and she had not stop wearing sweaters. Dipper on the other hand had always been a girl, nobody knew until now, when she embraced it, she now wear leggings, tank tops, and her signature pine tree hat. She also have a beautiful long hair that girls was jealous of her.

Mabel was jumping excitedly in her seat while knitting a sweater, while Dipper was watching the scenery listening to her music.

Dipper's pov

Today is the day, we're going back to Gravity Falls! I can't believe how fast the years goes by, me and mabel had grown up, we also changed, mostly me though. I'm sitting next to the window watching the scenery as the bus goes on.

"You ok bro bro?" Mabel asked, even though I'm a girl, she still likes to call me that.

"Yeah, just nervous of telling them the secret" I admitted.

"Don't worry about it, remember the time when you reveal your secret on graduation day?" Yeah, It was graduation day, we had it a day before we left for summer, I took off my stupid graduation hat to let my long hair fall down right on stage. I started to smile.

"You were like I'm Dipper Pines, and I'm a girl!" Mabel shouted

"Haha, and do you remember the look on everyone's face?!" I started laughing.

"The boys be like 'Uh-Dipper is a girl!-I can't believe it'" Mabel faked a dumb sounding boy voice.

"Even the teachers were surprised!" I added.

And we started to hug our stomach from laughing to hard, I wipe a tear from my eyes.

"See bro bro? you don't need to worry, you handled it at school!" Mabel comforted me.

"Yeah...Hey! do you wanna video their reaction when I reveal the secret?" I asked.

"Heck YEAH!!!"

- Time skip -


The bus stopped at a gas station, Mabel and Dipper went down to do their business and bought some snacks and drinks.

Mabel's pov

I was looking for any smile dip while Dipper, she is buying some pitt cola. I know smile dip stop selling, but they might have some last of them here. I was kind of bored so I started to play flip the coin, it was fun, I got heads...tails...heads...heads...tails until I drop the coin.

Dang it!

I quickly kneel down and grab it, wow, almost lost a dollar there, phew. I decided to stand up and find Dipper, a guy is talking to her. Ugh, not again! Ever since Dipper become more girly, boys keep flirting her everywhere, I would be jealous if I'm not les, and they're so annoying.

Dipper's pov

When a boy is flirting wit you, that means they like you and you're cute, but these guys are annoying. I was just paying for the snacks until this boy came up, he looks like a play boy, I had so much me time before when I pretend to be a boy, but puberty hit me hard like life punching you in the face so I'm not good with that pretend anymore.

"Hey, where cha heading?" He smirked.

"None of your business" I said glaring at him.

"Oh don't be like that, I'm victor, good at sport, most handsome boy in school, *tch* got quite a reputation myself, what about you?" 

(random name ok guys!)

"Well, I'm someone who does not have a big ego like you and actually have a life, so BYE" I responded to him as I saw Mabel, I then grab her and we both walk straight to the bus leaving the play boy behind.

"Again?" Mabel ask annoyed.

"I know, hopefully it's not like that in Gravity Falls" I complained.

"Me too sir, wait no- madame diping sauce"

"Don't call me that!"

"Just did!" Mabel said and ran on the bus.

- Time skip -

"This is it" I said to Mabel as we stand no the doorstep of the Mystery Shack.

"Yeah, I got my camera ready!" Mabel said and we both giggled.


On the other side, we could hear the familiar voice of our Grunkles.

"get the door Stanley!"

"no you get it!"

"I fixed the tv!"

"fine pointdexter, but only for the tv" 

In front of us, the door opened revealed our same old Grunkle Stan.

"Hey Ford! Is there a hallucination effect from the smoke before!?"  he shouted.

"No? Why you asked?" Ford asked as he walk to the door.

"Welp, I think it does." Ford quickly said staring at Dipper.

"Come on guys! It's Dipper!" Mabel said.

"Dipper is a girl!" Ford shouted.

"I had always been a girl Stan and Ford." I crossing my arms and looking at my Grunkles.

"Wow, you tricked a cheater for the last 5 years, you should get a prize" Stan said, giving us a hug, and Ford joined in.

We got in the house and set our bags down.

"May I question?" Ford asked and I nodded. "Why would you pretend to be a boy?"

"It's because being a guy get to do cool stuff! Like one time, I hanged out with the Manautors! And I get to learn cool tricks from you and Stan! Plus, boys won't flirt on me." I explained and pretend to gag at the last point.

"Fair point, wait you hanged out with the MANAUTORS!" Ford said.

"Come one kids, let's go to your rooms!" Stan interupted Ford.

"wait, rooms?" Mabel asked.

"Well you're all grown up now, you both need privacy, even now we just know Dipper is a girl, you both need private time" Ford replied.

I went upstairs, Mabel got our old room, while I got the attic one when Bill possessed me, but I', not scared anymore so I just shrug and lay on the window porch.

(speaking of biiiiiill)

Bill's pov

So I heard the Pines twin are back in town, after 4 whole years, that was a long time. I wonder if Dipper misses me? I should visit my old puppet anyways... Pine Tree, I'm coming for you~

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