Hang Out

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After letting Apollo returning to the woods, Dipper was stocking up merchandise for the next hour. Until there was a knock on the door, and Patrick step in.

"Hey Dipper!" Patrick said happily.

"Hey Patrick!" Dipper smiled.

"Do you wanna hang out? Only two of us?" Patrick said giving her his hand.

"Yeah, sure" Dipper said, kind of blushing at the thought. She took his hand and they both walk into town.

- Time skip - 

Bill walked to the cashier, which is where Wendy and Mabel are talking to each other.

"Hey Shooting Star, do you know where Pine Tree is?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, do you know Wendy?" Mabel replied and asked Wendy.

"Oh yeah! About an hour before, Dipper was stocking up things and this Patrick guy come and ask to hang out with her, Dipper said yes, and I guess they had been hanging out in town." Wendy answered.

Just then, Bill could feel the anger rising up in him.

"Jealous Bill?~" Mabel teased.

"No, I'm just angry and annoyed" Bill said sternly.

"That's jealous Bill" Mabel said.

"Oh" is all that Bill can say when Mabel started to squeal.

"OMG! You're so in love with her!"  Mabel started.

Dipper's pov

I was hanging out with Patrick in town, he was a funny and a nice guy.

"So, what bring you here to Gravity Falls?" I asked him.

"They think I should visit my cousin, and stay somewhere less city." Patrick said. "At first, I thought it would be boring and stuff, but I never knew it would be this fun." He added.

"Yeah! I should show you the paranormal sometimes, don't bother asking the people for it though, they all agreed to the never-mind-that act." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey Dipper" Patrick said. "I wanted to say that you're one of the best girls I ever met, and I think I've fal-"

"Hey Dipper!" But Patrick was interrupted with Gideon greeting to me.

"Hey Gideon!" I smiled.

"I was going to find some monsters, do you wanna go and have a look?" He offered.

"Do I?" I said excitedly.

"Hey Patrick, come with us, I've been wanting to show you the paranormal around here." I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

Bill'a pov

Finally I was freed from Shooting Star's constant torture, but still. I can't believe Pine Tree went and hangout with that meat sacks, I have to check where she is. O closed my eyes, I see her in the woods with Alpaca and Devil Star?!?!?!

Why of all people must have been those TWO!

"Hey Shooting Star, I'm going to get Pine Tree" I said as I slammed the Mystery Shack door behind me. Then I started to walk in the direction Pine Tree was in.

Mabel's pov

Bill might not know it, but when he slammed the door, I had grabbed my camera and some Mabel juices, then I started to follow him. NOTHING could stop me from my scrapbook opportunity!

So I started to follow him into the woods trying to hole back my giggles.

Dipper's pov

We got pretty deep in the forest, along the way, I was able to show Patrick and Gideon some gnomes and fairies.

"So what do you think of these woods?" I ask Patrick

"It's incredible"

"But not all the creatures like that, some can kill you!" I attempted to scare him. But Patrick, Gideon, and I ended up laughing.

"What are we looking for anyways Gideon?" I ask him.

"I heard of this creature where if you were able to find  and please it, it will give you some magic."  Gideon said.

(totally made up creature, this creature does not exist in GF)

"Wow, what does it look like?" I asked excitedly

"I heard it's whole body is like a shadow, but it's eyes glow and it has branch looking horns" Gideon described.

"Well what are we doing?! Let's go!" I grabbed both of them and pull them deeper in the woods.


As Dipper grab the boys, they both blush as they try to catch up with her pace. They ran deeper in the wood where they started to see some larger creatures, and Dipper was able to pay a visit with the manautaurs and the multi bear, who all is surprised that Dipper is a girl and respect her with the strength of a men.

- Time skip -

"Woah, look at this"

The trio had reached an edge of a steep hill, with one slip, you'll be stuck down there.

"You think it's a good idea to go down there?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know Dipper, seems steep." Gideon added.

"How bout we just hang out here for the day?" Dipper asked.

"Sure!" Both boys agree.

After some times, all laugh and tell stories to each other, they had a lot of fun, just then, something dash nearby creating a gust of wind and some sound.

"Did you hear that?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah" Patrick replied.

"What was that?" Gideon asked.

"Hey! I think it's down there!" Dipper pointed at a dashing shadow, she leaned to far and slid down on her butt.

"Dipper are you OKAY?!?!" Both boys asked frantically.

Dipper's pov

"I'm fine!" I told them. "Just go get help!"

They both nodded and walk back to where we once came. I decided instead of sitting around, I'll just find the shadow.

'it might not be safe'

'it's fine'

'what happen if i get attack?'

'but i have a dream demon for a friend'

'fair point'

After a quick argument with myself, I stood up and ran in the direction of the shadow. I kept running and running until I saw a creature.

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