Wolf friend

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So as the movie continues, Dipper sat between Pacifica and Mabel, being separated by the boys who was fighting for her. The movie ended quickly so the group decided to have some food, once again, the boys each bought Dipper some food while Mabel and Pacifica giggled at their attempts.

But the fun come to an end as the group parted their ways going back to their beloved home.

"That was fun!" Dipper said.

"Yeah!" Mabel cheered.

"The movie was so fake though" Bill said.

"Hey Mabel! what time is it?" Dipper asked.

"Oh shi- it's 7:00!" Mabel shouted.

Bill's pov

Shooting Star then grabbed Pine Tree's hand, and Pine Tree grabbed my hand, which made my face heat up a bit, then we run and drag each other back to the mystery shack.

"Where have you been?" Fez questioned us.

"We were at the mall" Shooting Star replied.

"Hanging out with Pacifica, Patrick, and Gideon!" Pine Tree added.

"Well, you almost missed dinner, come on!" fez cheerfully said.

- Time skip -

It was bed time and I'm tired.

"stupid mortal body, limited, need sleep for energy" I mumbled and Pine Tree giggled, just then a flash out of the sky with a loud sound making me yelp. I look outside of the window, it was raining.

"Bill, you're scared of thunder?" Pine Tree asked.

"No, I'm a being of pure energy, I'm no afraid of some-" just then, another thunder happened and I yelped again.

"Pine T-tree?" I said shivering.


"C-can I sleep with y-you?" I said starting to shake more. She seems hesitate but said yes.

I got in the bed, which was very comfortable, my eye lids were dropping, and before I know it, I was hugging Pine Tree and fell asleep.

Dipper's pov

After I let Bill sleep in my bed because he was scared of thunder, I felt arms wrapped around me. I looked behind to find an asleep Bill.

I started to blush because I've never been this close to a boy before, but a thunder came and he started to shiver, I hug him and patted his head, which made him sleep peacefully again, and before I knew it, I was asleep cuddling in Bill's arm.

- Time skip -


I woke up to a camera sound, seeing Mabel and she was about to explode, then I remember what's happening, Bill was still asleep and hugging me, I turned bright red. I quickly squirmed out of his grasp and look at Mabel.

"scrap book opportunity!" She squealed.

"delete it!"




I sighed.

"please" I said, I start using my cuteness.

"No~" Mabel start using her cuteness also.

"Yeees" I widened my eyes pouting.

"Nooo" Mabel said doing the same thing.

"Yeeeeeeeees" I begin to try and have sparkles in my eyes.

"Noooooooooo" Mabel said back puffing up her cheeks.

Unexpected Secret - Billdip (fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now