t w e n t y n i n e

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Chills keep running down my spine whenever I think about our current situation. This situation tops all the ones we've dealt with before, and I'm sure of that. It's like our thing now to deal with situations and basically save Mystic Falls. I mean why can't any superhero save this town, while I could actually enjoy my life.

After my adopted parents death, I haven't lived a day where I smiled or laughed. I was depressed and I'd sit alone in my room, all to myself. But when High School started, I wanted a new chapter of my life. But my chapter got way more interesting than it was supposed to be.

Our current situations was that the Vampires from the tomb, that got free, are planning on an attack when the fireworks go off. I was told, by Damon, to not stay in Town Square because it was unsafe. I knew that if I left that I'd be safer and no harm will happen to me.

But my stubbornness won my decision case and I ended up staying, I did not only stay but I roamed around, looking for one of the vampires. How can I know if someone's a vampire? I don't know the answer to that myself.

John was in the Mayor's office, activating the invention but little did he know that Bonnie took the spell out. I've dreamed about looking John in the eye and laughing in his face, knowing that he's down.

Suddenly, a man bumps into me and he quickly apologizes. He starts to walk but falls to the ground, grabbing his hand. I look down confused at him before police officers run over and grab him, "What's happening?" I ask, but the officers pulled the guy away.

"Come with me." Alaric says, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. "What's happening?" I ask, raising a questioning eyebrow. "I don't know." He answered as I caught sight of Elena and Stefan, expect Stefan was on the ground grabbing his head.

"Hey, I got this one. There's one over there." Alaric says when he sees the deputy running towards Stefan. I rush towards Elena and bend down to look at Stefan. "B-But how?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice as I look up at Elena. "I don't know what happened, he just dropped."

"Yeah, he's not the only one. The cops have gotten everyone who's gone down, injecting them with vervain." Alaric answered as he pulled Stefan up from the floor. Elena goes to the other side and helps keep Stefan balanced. "I bet they're rounding up the vampires." I comment, walking beside Elena.

Elena sighs, "Let's set him down here." Alaric and Elena gently push Stefan on the floor against the tree. "Wait here." Alaric says before turning around and walking away. Stefan ten grunts and pushes his head back into the tree, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?"

"It was like needles were piercing my skull and it just stopped." Stefan answered, rubbing his temples. "I saw at least five vampires go down. They're taking them to your family's old building." Alaric says, standing beside me as we look down at Elena and Stefan. "It's the Gilbert's device, it has to be." Stefan says, sighing.

"But how did he get it to work? Bonnie unspelled it."

"Maybe she didn't."

"She did, we saw her do it!" I answered, clicking my tongue. "No, no, no, he's right. Think about it. We asked Bonnie to deactivate a device that could protect people against vampires." Stefan points out, looking up at me. "So we could protect you." Elena says.

"And Damon. Vampires. Where is Damon?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since this started." Alaric answered, crossing his arms. "Can you get my brother, take him home?" Elena asks, looking at Alaric. "Of course." He says, nodding before he turns around and walks away. "Ok, let's go." I say, turning around and walked to the office.

Elena and I start walking to the front door, "Wait, wait, wait, I can hear them. The building is on fire." Stefan suddenly says, stopping. "What?" Elena and I ask at the same time. "The building's on fire!" Stefan repeats, his eyes widening.

"I'm going to kill him." I groan, turning around and walked towards the front door. Elena and Stefan follow me as I push open the door and stalk towards John, "Where is Damon?"

"With the rest of them, where he should be. It's over for Damon."

"You're crazy!" Elena shouts, glaring at John. "Why? Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and forty five years ago? This is the right thing, girls." John says, laughing slightly. "Go ahead, you won't make it out. It'll save me the trouble of killing you myself." John says, looking at Stefan.

"You guys know the building well, is there another way in?" Stefan asks, ignoring John as he looks at Elena and I. "Utility door, there's one around the side." Elena and I answer at the same time causing John to chuckle from behind us.

Stefan starts walking and Elena and I follow him, but John grabs my arm. "If any of you take one more step, I'll alert those deputies that they missed a vampire."

"I'm asking you not to."

"That doesn't mean anything to me." John says, chuckling humorlessly. "As our father, it should." I yell, pulling my wrist away from his tight grip. A long pause settles between us as the three of us gaze at each other. "You know." He whispers, sighing.

"We weren't sure, now we are." I spat before twirling around and walking to the front door. I pulled open the door and walked out, stalking to the utility door. Elena runs behind me as I take long steps to the door.

"Stefan!" Elena called out running after Stefan who walked through the utility door. My eyes widened as I rushed after her but we both got stopped as hands wrapped around our wrists. "You can't go in there!" Bonnie says, giving us a warning look.

"Bonnie, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry I lied to you." She whispers, looking down at the floor. She tightens her grip around our arms and she closes her eyes, whispering things under her breath. "Ex spiritum intacullum, in terrum incendium, fes matos salvis adisdum!"

"Bonnie, we've got to get in there!"

Instead, Bonnie tightens her grip harder before she releases her grip and looks up at us. "Bonnie, what is it? Are they gonna be okay?" Elena asks as I groan and rubs my sore wrist. Bonnie just stares at us as and looks at the side. We both follow her gaze and it lands on Stefan and Damon who stood panting by the door.

I sighed, "Phew, I thought I was gonna have to go down there and get you out."

1 more chapter to go!!!

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