Chapter 38

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"It takes just one memory to bring back all memories." 


Shailene pov- I need one ticket to Houston please. The lady handed one to me looking confused. "Sure sweets.' She mumbled.

I wake up in a few hours. Landing in Houston it all was a blur to me. I get off the plane and Hail a cab. "To the set Of Against all odds please." The cab man looked up in the window. "Well Madame sure thing, you know I just dropped off a young couple there they looked in deep love." As he dropped me off as I paid. He said" may I say,You look like one damsel in distress." "I kinda am." I reply shutting the cab door. "Sorry restricted area." I hear a voice Olivia. "Okay then."I say.I turn to walk off only to turn around and Start climbing the fence. "You can't do that." "Well I just did." I say standing up brushing my pants off. "OH THAT'S IT!" She drops her clipboard and starts Charging at me. I push her down. And she runs toward me again backing me against the fence. "I'm sick of this Woodley. " she starts kicking.  And smacking. Until my Face is bruised. I finally find that strength to push her down and punch her over and over. I finally wrap my legs around hers and get in a squat like position. She screams out in pain. This causes attention. Evan ,Taissa and Theo come running over. All three of them have to pull her out from my grasp Theo then runs over to my Side. "Shailene." He touches my cheek.

He takes me to his trailer and cleans me up. "What was that?" "What was what?" "That maneuver." " Oh" I say. "Scorpion Cross lock." "Ahh." "I used to watch wrestling. " I say. "I can tell." He kisses my cheek. "So I guess this is it right?" I say with tears brimming my eyes. "No I still got one more night with the movie Shooting." "Bullshit Theo don't lie to me you would rather be with her than me admit it that's why you left me." "No Shailene it wasn't. " he says angrily. "Then what was it." I yell out. "It was you I wanted you to be Happy Shailene. I never Cheated on you Olivia set it up she lied to You her Friend recorded fake moans it wasn't me Shai I promise." He starts crying. I start crying along with him. "I...I don't know what to believe." I dash out the door after that and drive off set.

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