Speak Now~4

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I could feel my heart beating. Why, why now? I mean I have great friends. I dont really do anything bad I guess. Well see I have pink in my hair, and Kate freaked out on me. But that's not that bad. I mean I dont really do drugs or drink that often.

"What..what why..? I said

"Because we need to clean up you act, your being a bad influence on Lindsay, and I dont think any of your friends would really mind if you took a little 'trip', now would they"? She said

My mouth was open. I could feel angry rising in me. Of course my friends would care. Rose would like die without me around, and my group of friends that come over almost every night. Grace, Emily and Rose. School just started. This can't be hapening. And Danny. No I can't leave Danny. He's always there for me. And I'm always there for him. We need eachother.

"Please, I'll change...don't make me leave." I was begging now.

"Oh, no you already got enough chances. Like when you put a pink streak in your hair, went to a party, swore at me, and sent that picture of your sister around." Ok, I didnt send the picture. She took the picture and sent it from my phone. 

"I didn't take the fricken picture, she took it and then sent it from my phone!" I almost yelled. I could feel tears in my eyes. This is all Lindsay wanted. She wanted me to be away from my friends. She wanted everyone to hate me. She wants Danny. But Danny hates her. Or so he says. She's always stolen every boyfriend I've had. Drake probably cheated on me with her. Maybe they made a plan to get rid of me. Drake never cared about me. He was a self concited jerk, a heart breaker. I looked directly at Lindsay and said:

"So how long have you and Drake been 'seeing' eachother behind my back for"

"Oh well about a month, how did you-"

See I knew he cheated on me. And to think he actually called me and asked for forgivness. Jerk. He said he needed one more chance. Yeah right. I cut her off;

"So was it your master plan to tell Drake to make sure I was at the party, so you could show up and see us" I half yelled.

"Wow your on a roll tonight!" Lindsay said. This was really pissing me off. I can't believe her. If I just said those things to her I would be dead by now.

Kate cut in...."Girl's, come on. Stop fighting. Now your going to move right after your birthday. On Sunday October 14 your moving." My birthday is October 13. Thats in less than a month. So the day after I turn 16 I move. Great. Plus I haven't seen Tom in like 5 years. This is going to be awkward.

"Right after my birthday, when I trun 16?"I was yelling at this point.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM, NOW" Kate yelled

"FINE" I ran up the stairs and slammed my door. In my room, I had posters all around. Some of Zach Efron, yes I know stupid. But I don't care. Oh no I'm going to have to tell all my friends about moving tomorrow. I have pictures of me and my friends all over my walls. Well, I thought I better start packing.



My alarm went off at 6:37. It played Skater Boy, one of my favorite songs. I rolled over. Ugh, I hate Mondays. I got out of bed, brushed my hair, and wore black skinny jeans with a shirt that said "Mondays" with a frowny face. I put my eye liner on and walked down stairs. For breakfeast I had fruity pebbles. 

I sat outside on the porch, and waited as Danny showed up. I got in his car,and he could tell something was wrong. 

"Hey...what's wrong?"

"Ummm.....well....uh...I..I'll tell you later."

"You sure you look pretty worried" 

"yeah I don't want to talk about it right now" I said and sighed 

"Oh okay" 

I walked into homeroom and sat down next to Grace. Luckily they wern't as obsevent as Danny, so they probably wouldn't be able to see how sad I felt. See I hate when people know I'm sad. Normally I'm like the happiest person ever! During gym im crazy. I dance around the gym, sing songs and my friends pretend not to know me and its great! So I really hope know one would see my sadness. The day went by really slowly. I walked by Danny's locker, and of course he's making out with Madison. God, I can't take seeing them together anymore. Maybe I do need to leave! 

I went to art. I love art, it's just im not that good at it. I sat with Danny. We were working on our clay pots. Mine was light blue and green, and Danny's was red. His favorite color. 

I wrote a song about him last night.

________________________ Last Night

I was laying awake in my bed. I looked up at the clock it was 2 am. I couldn't sleep. I had sadness and anger in me. I picked up my guitar and I expected a song out of anger, but I got another love song (I'd Lie~T. Swift with changed lyics)

I don't think that passenger seat

Has ever looked this good to me

He tells me about his night 

And I count the colors in his eyes

He'll never fall in love

He swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair

I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong

And I don't think it ever crossed his mind

He tells a joke, I fake a smile 

That I know all his favorite songs

And I could tell you

His favorite color's red

He loves to play football (soccer)

Born on the twelfth 

His sister's beautiful

He has his mother's eyes

And if you ask me if I love him

I'd lie

He'd never tell you

But he can play guitar

I think he can see through everything but my heart

First thought when I wake up is

My God, he's beautiful

So I put on my make-up

And pray for a miracle


I sat on my bed and cried for a while. I don't let people see me cry. It bothers me. I finally fell asleep for what felt like 5 minutes....and then my alarm went off.

_________Back to normal time________________

Since art was the last period of the day, Danny said he was going to drive me home. The finally bell rang,and I literally spritned out of the class, with Danny following me. We got to his car. The car ride was totally silent. But it wasn't really awkward. Danny took me to our secret "hide out." We got to the lake and sat in silence for about 5 minutes. 

"So what is going on...are you ready to talk about it?" He asked.  

"Umm yeah I guess" 

He wrapped his arm around me as I layed in his chest. I listened to his heartbeat. It always calmed me down. 

"So well Kate said I have to leave and umm go live with my cousin Tom in London." I had tears falling down my face by know. Danny's face was open 

"WHAT?" He said

A/N Sorry this took so long to uplaod...I've been really busy latley...I'll try to update more often!

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