Chapter 5

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"So, where are you going to take me?" I asked.

"We are going to hang out with my friends," Brad answered. "I called my friends up and we are going to meet up at Kyle's house."

"Where does Kyle live?" I asked as we started to walk down the sidewalk.

"He doesn't live far from your house, actually." Brad answered. 

We walked a few blocks and took a couple turns. We came up to a big white house. We walked up the steps and Brad knocked on the door. A boy our age answered it.

"Hey, Brad," smiled the boy.

"What's up, Kyle?"

"Nothing, but you could tell me why we all had to meet up." Kyle said. Then he caught sight of me. "Who's this pretty thing?"

"Zoey, this is Kyle. Kyle, Zoey" Brad quickly introduced.

Kyle had golden locks and baby blue eyes. He had a few facial hairs growing on his chin and above his lip.  He was tall but Brad was taller. Brad had shaggy, chocolate brown hair and sky blue eyes that you could get lost in. I am really surprised that Brad has the length he does now. Wouldn't he get a haircut or comb it neatly and part it to look more formal? I also wonder how Kyle became friends with Brad.

"Come on in," Kyle said, winking at me. Brad walked in and I followed.

There was two other boys- not including Kyle and Brad- and two girls. The two other boys were about the same height and shorter than Kyle. The difference was that one boy had short, spiky brown hair and the other had sandy blond. The facial features were different but that's not the point. The two girls: one was really thin and had strawberry blond hair. She wore glasses and a school uniform. The other girl was just about as tall as Kyle. She wore a short dress and tall high heels. He long, wavy blond hair that flowed down part of her shoulders and she had light brown eyes. She looked really pretty, I was almost jealous.

"Zoey, that is Makalya, Susie, Ben, and Lenny," Brad said."Everyone, this is Zoey."

Makayla, the blond, didn't seem too happy that I was here. Everyone welcomed me except her. I wondered what her problem was, was it because she had a crush on Brad?

"How did you all meet?" I asked.

"At school, we’ve been friends since grade school." Ben answered, "Sometimes we wonder how we became a group. We're all completely different."

Ben was the one who had sandy, blond hair.

"So, how did you meet Brad?" Makayla asked with a snotty tone.

"I'm fixing his S.R. Fighter." I answered.

"You know how to fix on of those ships?" Lenny asked excitedly.

"Yeah, that's my job," I answered.

"What about school?" Susie asked calm yet almost shy.

"I'm home schooled- well, not anymore. Now I just lock myself in my garage and fix broken down S.R. Fighters." I answered.

I took off my coat and set it on a coat rack. Everyone stared at me, maybe I shouldn't have worn a T-shirt.

"You have a mechanical arm?" Ben asked.

"And a mechanical leg, too." I whispered.

"What happened?" Susie asked, worriedly.

"I got into a really bad S.R. Fighter accident. I haven't raced since." I answered. "Well, enough about me, what about you guys? What do you do for fun?"

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