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8:15am- Y/n's house

Dony's P.O.V

Deukie thinks he can kiss Y/n and get away with it? Well, Deukie will get what he deserves soon enough. How can Y/n possibly tell the difference between us so fast? I took Deukie's clothes and put them on, along with my best impression of him. Deuk had went to the studio to practice and didn't see me hiding in the kitchen. Hoseok had left with him so they could show each other their skills. I went to Y/n's room and knocked softly. " Who is it? " I heard her ask from behind the door. " It's Deukie. Can I come in? " I asked making my voice more like Deuks. Y/n opened the door and smiled when she saw me. " Ayo Deuk. What do ya want? " She asked welcoming me to her room. I walked in and sat on her bed. " Just was bored so I stopped by. You know, Dony and Hoseok are at the studio having dance offs or something." I said taking off my shirt from the heat of the room. Why is it so humid in here man?! " You don't think, do you Dony. Did you forget you had tattoos or what? " Y/n whispered in my ear. " H-How? Well, you still are with me so now I know you don't care about Deuk. " I said smirking. She slapped me and crossed her arms. " I do care about Deuk. Stop trying to do.. this!  I don't want to talk to you! "  She yelled pointing at the door. " Y/n, ok I'm sorry. Can we just start over. My emotions took over and I hurt my brother and I'm sorry. Please, let me prove that I can be kind and that I am a good guy! "  I begged getting on my knees. " Fine. " She said crossing her arms. I stood up and smiled. " Thank you! Ok. Anyeong! I am Kwon Young Don and Deuk is my twin brother. We are both 22 years old and backup dancers from Yg Entertainment. And you my yeppeun are..? " I said introducing myself. She smiled a little then started to speak. " I am L/n Y/n. I am 21 years old and suck at everything. My brother is a famous guy from a famous band called Bts. I am their biggest fan and when I get depressed, most of the time I play their songs to try to cheer up. " She said with a fake smile.

Y/n's P.O.V

Dony really thought he could trick me. Pabo. I'll give him a chance though. Deuk better not do anything. " Wow Y/n, that's depressing. " Dony said with a nervous laugh. " Ya! Why don't you got to the coffee shop with me for a date? " He asked nudging my arm playfully. " Ok. Why not. " I said putting on my pink converse. When I was done, he took my hand and walked us out to his car. We drove to a coffee shop nearby. I don't know what it's called. They had good coffee though! We got to know all about each other and I found out that Dony is actually a really nice guy to talk to. He doesn't care too much about physical things. My emotions for Dony and Deuk are so mixed I don't know anymore. I love them both so much! At least I think I do. After coffee he drove me home and he went back to his house. " What a day. " I said to myself taking off my shoes. Deukie came up behind me and hugged me. " Let's take a walk " He said kissing my ear. " Sure. Let me put my shoes on again " I said putting my shoes BACK on. We walked down the street for a while in silence. " I know you were with Dony today " Deukie suddenly said stopping us both. I faced him and sighed. " Neh, I was. " I confessed. " I-I thought you loved me " He said looking sad. " Deuk. I love both of you. I'm not dating any of you so you can't just keep me away from Don. " I said to him with caring eyes. " Aniyo. Choose. Only one of us. Me or Don. " He said clenching his fist. I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration. " You can't just make me! It's not easy! You two shouldn't do this! " I yelled then ran. Just ran. " Dongsaeng! " Deukie yelled running after me. " Stop making me choose between you two! I love you both and it's not right. You guys shouldn't fight over a girl. You two are brothers for gods sake! " I yelled back tripping over a rock. I fell hard on the ground and could feel the hard, cold pavement as my entire body shook with the contact. " Y/n... A-are you ok? " Deukie said with a worried look on his face. " Deukie, I'm fine. Leave me alone! " I yelled trying to get up. I could feel a sharp pain in my ankle as I put pressure on it. I winced in pain and limped away. I looked back once and saw a sad Deukie walking away. Its for their own good. I saw a bench and limped over to it. I'm pretty sure I twisted my ankle. Great, now I have to call Hoseok. *Text*

Y/n- Hoseok, Can you pick me up. I'm by (Street name) and my ankle is twisted.

Hobi- What?! You twisted your ankle?!! I'm coming!

*End of texts*

Hobi came and took me in his car and drove us home. He layed me in my bed and put ice on my ankle. " What happened? " He asked finally. I explained my little " Situation " per say. That really made Hobi... angry. He made sure I was ok, then he left. I hope he isn't going to beat up the boys.
Will Y/n actually choose one of the boys at the end? Ooh! Little teaser- ONE of the boys ends up loving another!! Comment who you think!

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