ch1. Never thought this would happen

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Every since a month ago I haven't been feeling so good. I've been feeling sick and my chest is tender. I've missed my monthly thing I hope this just means I'm stressed or something.

I couldn't tell anyone just yet not until I know for sure if I'm pregnant or not.

*At the doctor's office *

"Hello jasmine what brings you in here today?" Dr. Johnson asked

Dr. Johnson is around 5'5, with shoulder length blonde hair, a round face,blue eyes,thin lips,a long thin nose and she was wearing a white shirt and a nice pair of grey dress pants along with white flats and black glasses.

"I think I'm pregnant. "

"Ok, I'll have to ask you some questions first ok?"

I nodded

"When was the last time did you had your period?"

"About maybe seven weeks ago."

"Ok, and has your chest felt swollen and or tender recently? "
"Yea a little bit."

"And when's the last time you were sexually active?"

"About five weeks ago."

"Have you noticed any bloating and or mood swings that happen more then normally recently?"

"Yes but I thought It was because I was going to start soon but it never came."

"Ok, well these symptoms are common for pregnancy but that doesn't automatically mean your pregnant, I'll give you a pregnancy test just to see if you are pregnant ok? It could just be stress or any number of factors causing your menstrual cycle to be late."

"Ok." I got nervous what happens if I am pregnant? How will I be able to tell Justin or my parents? I hope I'm not pregnant.

"I'll do the blood pregnancy test cause its a lot faster then the urine test."

She put a band on my arm so she could see my veins more clearly and could draw blood. She cleaned the area when the needle would go and once that was done she grabbed a syringe all it took was about less then five minutes once the vial was filled with my blood she put the vial into a plastic bag and wrote my name, what it was for and what was in the vial.

The doctor looks at me."we have to wait a week or two to find out the results from the test and once the results come in I'll have a secretary schedule an appointment so I can tell you or I can just tell you over the phone if you want its up to you." she looked at me and smiled.

"Uh over the phone will do thank you."I assured her she nodded and told me it was ok for me to leave and that she hopes I have a good rest of the day.

I got into my car unsure of what to do now.I had to wait at least a week for the results to come back. I started the car and just drove for a while until I found myself at the beach,I got out of the car and sat in the sand I watched the water push itself on the shore and the sound of that made me relax.

I looked down the shore and seen families playing on the beach,a thought popped into my head 'will that be me and Justin in a few years? With a family of our own playing on the beach or will that be us years from now in the future?'

I couldn't help but think how much mine and Justin's life will change if the results come back saying I was pregnant.

I felt so stupid for hooking up with him,yes me and him been together for about two years and we've had sex before but this time we obviously weren't as lucky as we thought.

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