ch2. todays the day

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When Jasmine told me she was pregnant I got so mad and scared. I kinda blacked out,the last thing I remember was Jasmine telling me she was pregnant and then the next moment she was yelling at me saying that I better not get mad if our baby calls someone else daddy. I mean I did see marks on her neck but those couldn't of been from me could it?

Its been about a month and I started dating this girl,her name is zoey.I figured since me and Jasmine weren't together anymore it was time to find someone else,don't judge me.

I know your probably thinking 'well if you really loved her so much why do you already have a New girlfriend?' well first of all Jasmine and me did break up and secondly it's not like I'm the first guy to have ever moved on this fast after just being with some else,and lastly I really did care about her I honestly did but Jasmine was mostly just a girl I was with because I basically knew I could get sex from her just about anytime I wanted even though the end result of it was because my dumb ass didn't use protection but anyways.....

Zoey has red brown hair, She's about 5'7, she's more a girly girl then what Jasmine was, jasmine would rather wear shorts and a t-shirt then skirts and dresses.

I told zoey about me getting Jasmine pregnant and she seemed alright with it or at least seemed like she was.

Since the fight between me and Jasmine at the park she hasn't been to school. I'm going over to her house today after school to check on her and to see how she's doing.

My parents still have no clue that their oldest son is about to be a dad at seventeen. They're probably going to be pissed off which is reasonable considering if my kid came and told me that they were or got a girl pregnant I'd be pissed off too. I plan on telling them soon just gotta figure out how I'm going to tell them, this is probably how Jasmine felt before she told me.

I'm officially 12 weeks as of today.I've been having morning sickness everyday for the past week,my mom thinks I'm sick thank God she doesn't think otherwise but she might after today,because today I've decided that I was going to tell my parents and My siblings that a new member of the family will be here in a few months.

I walked down to the kitchen and looked in the fridge for the left over spaghetti we had last night,man did that sound good right now with some walnuts mixed in it. Yeah I know it sounds gross I blame being pregnant and the cravings that come along with it.

My older brother Alex walked into the kitchen and saw me putting the walnuts into the spaghetti and I looked over at him and he looked back at my food discussed and curiosity

Alex is about 5'9.has steel silver eyes,button nose and copper colored hair.he has a scar on his eyebrow,I'll explain it later.he is also eighteen years old,me and him are as close as siblings can get.

"So how does that taste sis?"he asks as he grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it.

"Uh pretty good,I've been wanting to experiment with food lately so ta-da."I said as I took a Bite to be honest it didn't taste all that bad. He nodded and walked out the kitchen through the back door to go finish what ever it was that he was doing.

Once I was finished I put my bowl into the sink and went back to my room grabbed clothes and went to take a warm shower,it helped me keep my food down.once I was out I dried off and got dressed my phone buzzed causing the screen to light up. The name that popped up on my screen was a person I least wanted to talk to right now.

(jasmin in bold and Justin is in italics)


'What do you want Justin?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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