Chapter 9

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Natsu stop

Natsu's POV
After (fn) left Uddico and I talked and she had to go back to her guild. So I went to go find (fn). I was walking to the park when I saw (fn) and Gray. The the hell is going on! Gray was hugging my (fn)! They got up talked a little more all I heard from (fn) was 'I can't face him like this' and then Gray that asshole said 'You can spend the night at my house if you want' I almost killed him but I'll wait till tomorrow.

Your POV
I woke up and remembered what happened yesterday my chest still hurts a little. I got dressed and knocked on Gray's door and heard a come in.

"Hey Gray when are we gonna head to the guild?" I asked shyly. Gray looked at me.

"Do you want to go now?" He asked I nodded and we left his house. On our way to the guild we talked and we have a lot in common. We reached the guild and heard...

"GRAY YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Natsu yelled on the top of his lungs. And punched Gray in the face.

"Natsu what was that for?" Gray asked. Rubbing his check.

"Gray are you ok." I asked Natsu look pissed when I said that.

"You know why! You idiot!" Natsu yelled again. Going to hit Gray again but Gray hit him first. They started a full on fight. After a few minutes I had enough.

"ENOUGH NATSU STOP FUCKING IDIOT!!!" I yelled and stepped right in front of Gray when Natsu was about to hit him with all of his force. He hit me in the face blood spilled out of my nose and I spit up some blood. Gray looked at the shocked Natsu.

"Way to go idiot! You hurt (fn)! I hope you're happy! (Fn) let me take you to the infirmary!" Gray yelled at Natsu. I heard Natsu say something but I couldn't even hear it. I can't believe Natsu would hit me I thought he would have stopped himself but he didn't. When Gray and I got to the infirmary everyone followed. When I laid down a single tear fell from my eye. I felt mentally and physically.

"(Fn) I'm so..."

"NO NATSU I WANT YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE! I can't even look at you just leave Natsu..." I said try not to cry, but a few tears fell.

"But (fn)." I pointed to the door tell him to leave. Lucy walked up to me.

"(Fn) do you need a place to stay for awhile." I nodded in response.

"I'll grab your stuff from Natsu's and you can stay with me ok." She said with a small smile and I just nodded. I just wanted to sleep now but I can't and I don't know why. I so mad at Natsu, but I think I love him. Someone save my mind please.

Don't Leave! NatsuxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now