chapter 1

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First day of school.
New school, crap. Everyone is so gonna hate me, ugh. Can't I just skip or something?
Why am I so damn nervous, this isn't supposed to be happening. Ughh i feel like crying. I'm scared, nervous, anxious even.
What if everyone hates me just like my old school.

'Soldier!! Wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day or school!'


' I'm up! I can't go to school in my underwear can I mum. '

Can't I just desintegrate.

As i eat my breakfast with my inpatient mother hanging over me checking if I have sorted everything out for my first day at a new school i repeat for the one hundredth time 'yes' and continue munching on my Cheerios.
My 10 year old brothers head pears out at us from behind the door and gives me a simple wave. I'm guessing that was supposed to be a good morning so I smile at him and scrape the last stray bits of cheerios onto my spoon and head to the bathroom to brush my way to messy hair.

As I'm brushing my teeth my mother shouts in again to tell me to get my ass outside before i arrive late. I don't know what she's talking about it's only 7.45am.

Oh crap.

I'm gonna be so fucking late.
I stuff my lunch into my bag while mother literally throws me out the front door after giving me a reassuring kiss on my cheek.

I'm running to school now, until I realise I have no clue where the hell this school actually is.

After ten minutes of asking random strangers where Merixtas is I have learnt two things this morning.
One, never eat cheerios at the speed of light ever again unless you want to feel sick.
And two, never leave home without asking your mother where the hell your actually going.

' Hello, you must be Soldier Adams.'

'And you are..?'

'Oh sorry where are my manners, I'm Fedrik Thomson, your school headmaster.'

Shit, Great job Soldier you just proved how rude you are in front of the fucking headmaster.

'Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were the headmaster, yes I'm Soldier, I'm new. '

My wonderful attempt at fixing the mess I just made, wow pathetic.

'Yes yes, Soldier, follow me and I will lead you to your new class. '

No no no no no no no, why can't we just stay here and admire the beautiful corridor...
' Sure.' And of course my feet betray me as I follow close behind him.
We walk in silence for a while, an incredibly uncomfortable silence in my opinion, but the bloke must be used to it, tension in the new students.
As we reach the end of another corridor now on the top floor i begin to panic, I am not so sure about this anymore.

'We are here' the headmaster of the year announces.
Of course we are. I silently sigh and enter the dammed classroom and peer around me. Umm isn't too bad I mean i don't know anyone of course but nobody has given me a judgemental look yet just nice peaceful smiles.

I decide upon a seat and sit down next to some girl called Miley, we exchange a few hellos when I find myself surrounded by humans, wow, way to many humans actually, okay I need some air, to many bodies squished around me right now.
You'd think I'm some kind of fucking superstar.
Thank god I'm not I wonder what state I'd be in right now if I was.

The bell rings indicating what i assume is the end of class so i head to my so called classroom and am told that i now have P.E.
This school is a change for me in so many ways, they don't wear uniform haleluya.
But everyone seems to be going into a mysterious side door in the gym area.
After a few moments i figure it's the changing room, and that's so fucking cool because I've never had one of those.
What's not so cool is that everyone is wearing a P.E school kit except me, lovely.

By the end of the class i have learnt that Miley, the girl i sat with in my first class is one of the popular kids and i also get along with this girl called Maddy and this other girl called Bri.

'I think you're gonna be a part of our group and not the popular ones you know.' The girl named Maddy said.
And I just nodded along and agreed with everything.

After another boring class, the bell finally rang and i exited the classroom along with Maddy and Bri and met a few others from the group from other classes, a girl called Sky and a boy called Charlie introduced themselves and asked me a bunch of questions.
The end of the school day is already here and I find myself wishing it wasn't over so soon.

I walk home with Maddy and chat to her, so far she's my favourite of the group.
'So what school do you go to?'

'Oh, I used to go to a school in Saint Pedro called Sacrament Heart and well I basically went to it my entire life, 10 years to be precise.'

'Oh wow, so why change school then'

Ugh, why does everyone ask this question..
'Well this school is so much closer to my house plus last year was a shitty year for me at Sacrament Heart and I just went though a hard time and needed a change, something new.'

'Well you made the right choice Soldier' Maddy smiled broadly at me and I smiled back.

'Really? I really appreciate that, thank you so so much.'
We had reached the end of the road and I could see my mum waiting for me in the car in the parking lot.

'Hey Maddy I gotta go, I'll hopefully be here tomorrow... well I'll probably definitely be here tomorrow so chat then.'

'Sure, see you tomorrow then. Oh and Soldier..'

'Yeah' I was getting curious now.

'You are probably gonna need a PE kid' she said with amusement.

'Well I'll have to ask about that tomorrow in school cuz I literally have no idea how to purchase it'.

She chuckled lightly at my harsh tone and she must of figured to drop the subject cuz it wasn't brought up again.
Well I was really running late now and as much as I'd adore to spend all day talking to this girl I really had to get a move on.
'Hey Maddy I really gotta go no joke'.

'Okay, see you in class tomorrow.'

She waved goodbye over to me while i crossed the road and walked towards my mother with a proud smile tugging at my lips.

Today wasn't so bad. In fact today was an amazing day.

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