Prince Charming [0/2]

59 1 0

Alexei Montoya






180 lbs

Alexei has a lanky tall build though it his very misleading because he is strong and skilled at fighting. He has creamy pale skin making his light pink curly hair pop along with his striking gold eyes.

Like most inexperienced royalty he is very arrogant and cocky. He is quick to judge people and thinks he knows absolutely anything and everything. He can be very childish and playful If he gets close to you but otherwise he is very cold and sadistic.


|Uke, Seke, Seme|

|Turn Ons|
Light BDSM, Biting, Sex Toys, Riding, Roughness, Verbal Partners, Public Sex, Scratching, Role-playing, Grinding, Making out

|Turn Offs|
Exchange of Bodily waste, Necrophilia, Blood

Alexei was born into a rich family and was taught everything there was to being rich he excelled at every subject, language, sport and club but he never got everything he wanted except something that even poor people got... Love. The lack of love from Alexei's family made him grow cold, sadistic and especially lonely.

Another Cinderella story. Is what this wasn't, okay maybe you and Cinderella had some things in common like you both being dressed in rags and rejected by your step-family but you didn't just sit there and take it you ran away and went after the monarchy hated being treated like you were. You finally had your chance on the night of the ball to murder the heir to the throne at 12 o' clock. He had taken a liking to you all night you on the other hand wanted to puke just by dancing with him but you had to admit he was very attractive. You almost killed him but a guard caught and now you were in the dungeon wondering why you hadn't been killed for trying to end the monarchy and you thought it was over once you heard the tap of the dress shoes coming down the stairs but once you saw the smirking Prince you....

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