Experiment 2089

33 0 0


Over a million years old





168 lbs

Akira, or experiment 2089 was made an albino, his wild white locks almost match the color of his pale skin due to his mission's being in the Arctic. He has bright blue eyes that pop due to the lack of color everywhere on him.

Akira has a monotone and robotic personality wanting to be given orders and accomplish them. Though this changed after one of his missions to wipe out everyone living in a small town. He didn't want to follow any orders and fled not wanting to report a failed a mission. Now Akira is still monotone but he is sad and lonely blocking everyone out hating humanity.


|Uke, Seke, Seme|

|Turn Ons|

|Turn Offs|

Akira was born the most perfect android after 2089 failed times. He was used for military use and did everything his commander asked him to that is until the incident. [A/N: Read personality again if you don't know the incident]


Your dad is in the military you we're excited when he came home but he wasn't as excited as you were and simply brushed you off. He rushed and turned on the TV looking at the local news. You saw a lady was talking about a flying UFO was heading right into the city. Your father ordered you to stay inside before leaving, upset that your father just left you went to the room to see a male that looked just like the UFO on the news you.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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