Why'd you leave me?

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I became cold. Really cold. What did they expect? For me to be all jolly and happy like normal? No. Of course not. My laugh became a cry. My smile became a frown. My bright eyes became dull. My love for titans left. I knew..I knew that I had to keep researching. I had to do it...who else would step up and experiment for me? No one. So I'm stuck with this job....

But when I go outside that wall...

I don't go easy on them. I kill them without a second thought.

I never hated them more.

They took everything away from me. Everything.

When those beasts took Levi's squad, I was upset. But of course I didn't let that get to me.

But then they got him.

And him.

And him...

All of them...

They took all of them away.

My only friends....my only reason that I kept fighting...the only reasons why I kept trying. Why I kept smiling.

Now I'm left with nothing.

What am I supposed to do now?...



I stand in front of their graves, staring at the names engraved into the cold stone. I try to hold the tears in, but they flow out of me like a stream. I lost them. I lost everything. The only thing keeping me alive now...was the fact that humanity needed someone like me.

I go by each of their graves, setting a flower on top of them. I whisper their names as I pass by them. I thank them.

"Moblit...thank you for protecting me."

"Erwin..thank you for being my friend."

"Eren..thank you for not judging me."

I pass by the others, not knowing what to say.

"Armin...thank you. I was hoping one day you could take my place." Is all I manage to say for him...

Then I get to his.

The one who meant the most to me.

"Levi...thank you. For everything...for loving me. Thank you...so much..." I say, tears re-appearing on my face.

I step back, looking at all the graves. I sniff once again, and salute. I stand up straight, not wavering. I stop my tears, standing still.

"I promise you all. You did not die in vain. I..I'll make sure...that the titans die once and for all."

Those were my last words to them. After that, I left them to rest in peace.

I would never forget those people...

And hopefully, we'll all meet again.

(A/n if you couldn't tell this was Hanji talking ^__^ and yeah I know it's bad but whatever XP enjoy~)

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