The Darkness

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Authors note: Like the description said, this is a short one shot I'm entering in the writing contest that ProjectFandomUnity  is holding. The theme is cliffhanger, and even though I personally think mine isn't that much of a cliffhanger, I wanted to submit anyways. Also, the game this is inspired by, is Ib. The character whose POV I wrote this in, is Garry, even though it isn't stated directly. Hope you enjoy!

I wake up on the floor museum that had turned from something normal, into the strange, almost haunted place. I'm not even quite sure how I got here, but one second I'm looking at art, the next I'm laying on the cold, hard ground. I force myself to get up and move around, noticing a strange eeriness in the room. The air is almost ice cold, and I shiver in my tattered coat. Walking through the halls, limping slightly in my left leg, as I seemed to have twisted it. Soon, I stumble across a wilted, blue rose. Something tells me it's important, so I bring it with me.

After a while, I start to realize that aside from the cold and eerie atmosphere in the area, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

That is...

Until one of them moves.

All of the sudden, as I walk past it, a painting that was titled 'The Woman in Red' jumps off the wall, her torso sticking out of the frame as she uses her arms to pull herself forward. I make a short yelp, before running away as quickly as I can. Unfortunately, she's a lot faster than she looks by just using her arms.

I barely get away, and as I stand panting, my back against the door of the room I ran into, I wince looking down at my ankle. I probably shouldn't run unless I have to from now on...

I stay in that room, resting for a little while, before I realize I probably should try and see what's going on in this strange place. I crack the door open to make sure the cost is clear, and I leave the room, sighing with relief when I see that the woman is gone. Still wandering the hallways in search of a way out, something weird occurs to me. As I've been walking down this hall, the wall on the side from where I came are closing in. It's slowly creeping up behind me, and when I look down the hall, panicked, I only see one room. I guess I have to go in it... I walk over, open the door, and realize it's pitch black inside.

'No, I'm not going in there when it's that dark,' I think, but I soon remember the wall inching towards me. As it gets close, I realize I have no other choice, but to go in or get squished.

So I do. Walking in, I feel around the walls, to see if there's a light switch. There isn't. 'Why wouldn't there be a light switch in a room? What's the point of even having it if you can't see?' I wonder. Suddenly, the light flooding in from the hallway fades away as the wall closes in on it.

"Not much to do now..." I mumble to the darkness. I begin to look for a place to sit down, but as I walk towards the middle of the room, I felt something different. Like a presence or something. I begin to back away, but before I get the chance, I feel five icy fingertips touch my arm, proceeding to grip it in the darkness, not letting go.

The Darkness (Ib Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now