Chapter Ten: Running

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Charlotte's POV
I can't believe the boys are making me go for a run. I hate running. If running was a person, I'd throw monkey poo at it.

I began rummaging through my chest of drawers to try and find some clothes that were suitable for running in. Once I had chosen what I was going to wear, I styled my hair into two, fairly neat, dutch braids.


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Blair unlocked the door to the flat and walked into the living room, whilst I just waited in the doorway because Blair told me to whilst we were travelling.

"Andy you can go now" I heard Blair say faintly
"I think I might go to the gym instead of going for a run" Andy replied.

No. The gym is even worse than running. No. I'll refuse. I am not going to the gym. At all.

I could hear faint kissing noises from the living room.
"Must be Hannah and Mikey" I muttered to myself
"Right I'm off, see you later" Andy said.

"Surprise" I said awkwardly once Andy had got to the doorway.
"What are you doing here?" He chuckled, whilst closing the door and beginning to walk down the stairs.
"I'm not actually sure. Brooklyn messaged me this morning telling me to go on a run with you" I sighed, and started to follow him.
"But you hate running" he laughed
"I know but I didn't have a choice" I said

"Come on then" Andy laughed, and began to run down the road.
"Andy wait" I whined like a little child, and started to run to catch up with him. He stopped and turned around to face me.
"Andy wait" he mimicked. Once I had catches up, we were running alongside each other for half an hour.

"I'm bored and tired" I stated, whilst slowing down and stopping. Andy stopped and looked at me with an unimpressed expression.
"We're nearly back at the flat" he laughed, whilst turning back around.

I jogged directly behind him and jumped onto his back.
"Ouch, get off your too heavy" he said jokingly
"No I'm not" I muttered, "can you give me a piggyback until we get back to the flat?" I asked in a sickly sweet tone.
"Fine" he said grumpily.

He gave me a piggyback until we got to the bottom of the stairs
"I am not carrying you up the stairs" he said with a very serious tone, and then put me back down on the floor.

When we got inside the flat, there was no one there apart from me, Andy, Hannah and Mikey because the other boys hadn't gotten back yet. Hannah and Mikey were asleep in each other's arms on Mikey's bed.
"They're cute" I whispered and flopped onto the sofa
"I know" Andy replied, whilst climbing up onto his bed, "come watch a film with me" he whispered and made some room on his bed for me to sit down. I climbed up onto his bed and we began to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on his laptop until the boys came back.

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