Chapter 11: Pizza and Movies

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Charlotte's POV
Once everyone had got back from Gravity Force, and Hannah and Mikey had woken up, we ordered pizza from domino's because no one wanted to cook.

"How was the run?" Mikey asked, whilst picking up a slice of pizza
"Awful" I groaned
"Charlotte. You only ran for half an hour. Then made me give you a piggyback back here" Andy said, rolling his eyes.
"Half an hour is a long time" I said, picking up my glass and taking a sip of water.
"No it's not" he sighed
"Yes it is" I replied
"Fight me Andrew Robert Fowler" I said sternly
"This is going to do horribly wrong, I can just tell" Hannah laughed
"I don't want to fight you" Andy said, then stood up and climbed up to his bed.

I was sitting on the sofa, watching something the boys have put on the tv. My phone went off and it was a text from Hannah

New message from Hannah

Hannah: are you okay?
Me: yeah I'm fine, why? and why are we texting in the same room?
Hannah: because I can't be bothered to talk
Me: okay😂
Hannah: but are you okay?
Me: yeah
Hannah: are you sure?
Me: yeah😂

"I'm going to go get changed into my pyjamas" I said, whilst going through my bag to find my pyjamas and tooth brush.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I put my favourite pyjamas on

 I put my favourite pyjamas on

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and brushed my teeth.

Once I had got back into the living room, everyone was in their beds and either on a laptop or phone. I sat back down on the sofa and scrolled through twitter, even though nothing exciting happens down my twitter feed.

"Where's Charlotte going to sleep?" Brooklyn asked
"On the sofa" I smiled
"You can't sleep on the sofa" Rye said
"I can, and I will" I said, and laid down on the sofa to prove my point.

Andy's POV

New message from Mikey

Mikey: offer to sleep on the sofa and Charlotte can sleep on your bed🙄
Me: okay

"Char, do you want to sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa?" I suggested, like Mikey told me to.
"No thank you, it's your bed. Anyway, the sofa's comfortable" she replied, sounding sleepy

New message from Mikey

Mikey: ask her to watch Harry Potter with you
Me: okay... but what one?
Mikey: does it really matter?
Me: yes.
Mikey: um, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Me: okay

"Come watch Harry Potter with me" I said to Char
"But I'm tired" she replied
"Pleaseeee" I whined
"You really don't act 22, you know" she laughed as she climbed up onto my bed, "what film are we watching anyway?" she added
"Order of the Pheonix" I replied, whilst putting the film onto my laptop.

Charlotte was sat cross legged on my bed, right next to me. We were only twenty minutes into the film and Charlotte was already yawning.
"Are you tired?" I laughed. 
"Yeah, I said this before you put the film on" she yawned.
"Lay down then" I said, and so she did.
"Give me a blanket, I'm cold" she said sleepily
"What's the magic word" I laughed
"Please" she said grumpily.

I put a blanket over her, and it reminded me of when we used to watch films together before Overload.
"Char, do you know what this reminds me of?" I whispered, but she didn't reply because she'd already fallen asleep.

As I was about to go to sleep, Charlotte had put her head on my chest whilst she was still asleep. I smiled at her, even though she couldn't see and then after a while I fell asleep

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