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Song choice for this chapter is Breathe Me by Sia. It's in the sidebar.

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She didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know how to react. The gnarled and bloodied arm kept her frozen from all but trying to scream.

“Oh my Luna,” she whispered. Now, her body wasn’t frozen, it wasn’t still, it was shaking, racking with fear. Never in her life had she felt like someone had her whole being in the clutch of their hands, and if they squeezed, she would be no more.

Thundering footsteps came up the stairs, and barreling into Cecilia’s bedroom. She didn’t look up from the body part, afraid that if she looked at whoever came into her room, it would be gone when she looked back at it, as if it were a part of her imagination.

“Cecilia?” Someone said to her, “baby?”

She didn’t focus on the person calling her name; instead, Cecilia strode towards the body part and ripped the letter sewn to the skin away.

It was addressed to her, in a fancy but sloppy scrawl in the middle of the envelope. With shaky fingers, she tore the envelope open, and pulled out the only thing inside of it out, a note.

Remember Cecilia, it was your responsibility to keep the remaining pack members of Ridge Creek safe. Looks to me, it’s only one. Little. Petty. Toddler.

This is the toddlers father, be sure to let her know I killed him.

Be seeing you soon darling.



I know the Sea Cliff Alpha is your mate.

Fear racked up her body once more, and she hid the note from -now she identified as- Pierce’s view. If he knew that she was scared for his safety was the reason for not being with him, he would go to hell and high heaven to get her to be with him.

“Baby,” Pierce whispered again, and she then realized that his hand was on her shoulder, and shrugged it off.

It was her fault. All her fault.

Now, Malorie and herself were the only survivors of The Sea Cliff pack. That she knew. What she didn’t know, is that if the body part seeping blood onto her bed was Malorie’s fathers or not. But a small part of her insisted that it was, that this man who gave her the letter, whoever he is, did kill her adoptive daughters father.

Cecilia didn’t know she was crying until a sob left her trembling lips, and more fell too.

Suddenly, she was swept up in warm comforting arms. Even though she was emotional, she couldn’t help but admire how Pierce’s biceps flexed and his large hands splayed over her hips.

“Shh, it’s okay Cecilia,” he promised. But it wasn’t okay. She let her pack die.

Cecilia tore herself from her mate’s arms, and a surprised yelp came from her when she actually addressed Pierce as her mate in her mind.

“No,” she barked, but it was a whisper. “It’s not okay. They are all dead, because of me. Instead of staying and helping survivors get out, I fled. I’m an Alpha’s daughter, and I fled. No one, is worthy of even having Alpha blood, if they flee without helping their dying pack.”

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