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Work really kicked my ass today, being a neonatal nurse sure isn't easy. But it's something I love to do. Being the first person a baby lays eyes on when they are born, makes me feel a type of way.

In a good way of course.

Setting my bag down by the door, I walked further into the house. I then removed my lanyard and placed that on the counter.

Stepping into my clean room, I set my shoes inside of the closet, and put my socks in the hamper.

9 hours worth of sweat on socks doesn't smell too good.

No matter how tired I was, I never, I mean never set foot on my bed until after a shower. I just felt weird and out of place all dirty and sweaty, then just plopping myself onto my bed.

Deciding on a pink and black night gown that read "Wake me up when it's Friday" and some high socks and waltzs into the bathroom and began to turn the water on high heat.

I loved a hot shower after a hard day of work.

Grabbing my Caress body wash, I lathered up my loofa and began to wash off all the work I did today. Resting underneath the shower head, turning my neck side to side. I was actually begininng to relax.

A familiar deep voice retorted.

My eyes popped open to see Odell standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face.

Out of instinct, I tried my best to cover my "private parts", even though he had already seen them many times before.

"Girl, I'on know why the hell you tryna' cover what I already don' seen befo'."
He said with a small grin still on his face.

He knew what he was doing, with that damn accent.

I just rolled my eyes, and smiled, while still rinsing myself. Then I realized why he was really here.

"So what happened this time Odell?"
I said while washing my hair.

"Something has to happen for me to come and see you?"
He said while taking a seat on the counter, while still staring at me, with his arms crossed.

"Well, actually, yes Odell."
I said in a matter of fact tone.

Sighing, I motioned with my fingers for him to come here. He then jumped of the counter and began to take off each article of clothing.

Soon after, he was in the shower with his hands around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm getting tired of being the side, Dell."
I whispered, while looking at my fingers.

"It's degrading. I feel like shit doing this, and Lia is so clueless to it all. You really need to make up your mind soon, cause I'm not gonna continue on with this for much longer." I added.

"I can't leave Lia, Zoray. I love her." He said.

Throwing his hands off my hips, and shutting off the water, I turned to look at him.

"If you love her then why are you here Odell?"
I said with tears welling up in my eyes.

He just sat there like a fucking idiot, and stared at me.

"Fucking typical Odell" I said, before scoffing.

I sped walked into the room, with him hot on my tail. I threw my hair up into a ponytail, and began to put on my panties.

As I was putting on my lotion, Odell came and pushed me onto the bed.

"Stop Odell, I don't want to have sex with you."
I said pushing him back off me.

"Man, stop playing Zoray." He said while pushing me back on the bed. He then swiftly pulled my panties to the side and placed his fingers on my clit.

"Stop, Odell, move." I moaned.

"You really want me to stop?", he pestered while rubbing his fingers around faster.

"No." I moaned, feeling guitly already.

One last time wouldn't hurt. Just one last time.

That's typically how long a chapter will be most of the time, cause I can't sit there for a long time and just type.
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