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Waking up in the morning, I woke up to not see Zoray in bed. She probably just left for work.

Yesterday, I didn't just come over for sex, I actually wanted to talk.

Bullshit, why am I lying?

Zoray is basically the side peice. I mean she's a really cool and down to earth chick, but the only reason I keep her around is for the sex.

When things start to get rocky with Lia, I run to Zoray. I like Zoray, but I love Lia. But if I loved Lia, why would I be cheating?

This is too confusing for me.

I need to get my ass up for practice, or Coach is going to be all down my throat.

No homo.

Jumping out of the bed, I slipped on my slides and walked into the bathroom. I almost puked when I woke up this morning cause' my breath was so damn foul. So I made brushing my teeth my first priority.

After brushing my teeth, I walked back into the closet and got a pair of sweats and a shirt.

I practically live here.

Soon after taking my shower, I was out the door and on my way out.

My phone buzzed in my pocket signaling a call or text. Lifting my self a little off the seat, I grabbed my phone out my back pocket and looked at it, seeing that Lia was calling.

Sighing, I answered the phone.

I said, steering the wheel with one hand while using the other to connect the aux cord to my phone.

"Odell, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to accuse you of cheating. I know you'd never do that. You love me too much."
She whined onto the phone.

Scoffing lowly, and rolling my eyes, I replied back.

"Okay, Lia, you know I'd never do that to you baby, so don't even worry."

Was it bad I wasn't feeling guilty at all?

"But, uh, I am on the way to practice. I'll see you later."

I just hung up not even waiting for a reply, then turned a song on my phone.

Soon after, I arrived at practice, and parked my car near the front and stepped out the car.

Victor then flew out of nowhere, and slapped me upside my head.

"What's up nigga?"
He said while walking with me to the entrance.

Walking in I was greeted with air conditioning.

That's the best feeling ever.


Practice beat my ass. My legs are sore, my arms are sore. Everything man. Coach wasn't playing any games today.

Getting in my car, I was wondering what house I wanted to go home too? Lia or Zoray?

I'll just go to Lia.

Didn't want to make her suspicious about my whereabouts last night. So I'll stay with her tonight.

Driving into the driveway, I saw a unfamiliar car in my spot.

Who the hell is this?

This was a really short chapter, cause I'm not really feeling this book anymore. Like what's the point if I get no comments to let me know how ya'll feel. Might be deleting this. Idk yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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