The Attack

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The team exept Hotch were walking in a park. Reid did you know Detriotlions beat Greenbaypackers yesterday Morgan asked. No Morgan I did not. Thats a first Preintess said laughing. Im not going to know abou. Reid got cut off by a dog barking behind them. They all turned around and there was a golden retreiver running in there path. It pounced right on Reid and tried to bite him. It got him right in the arm and held on. GET HIM OFF! Reid yelled. Morgan had to pry the dogs mouth open when a man came running up to them. Im so sorry I lost him and I didnt know he would ever bite he never bit someone befor im so sorry. Its ok it happens to him we call it the reid affect Morgan said. JJ Prentiss And Rossie were helping Reid sit up. Ew thats nasty JJ said we should take him to the hospital Rossie exclamed. What dog goes around bitting people Reid said harshly to the owner. A dog that knows the reid affect Morgan shot back but shut up once he seen how much pain the dog bite was causing him. Rossie helped Reid stand up and took him to the car. Once evry one was in (Morgan JJ and Reid in the back Rossie driving and Prentiss in the front) they drove to the hospital. Halfway there Morgan noticed Spencers arm would not stop bleeding. Reid was thinking about that dog it was so big how the owner stood there watching befor running to come and get the dog but he didnt start to run until JJ noticed him he winced in pain as Morgan applied more presure. Once at the hospital they all went in through the ER. The nurses got him in a room and stiched up. They where all in the hospital room (Hotch came as soon as he heard) and all was talking exept Reid he was feeling light headed. Then a nurse came in Spencer im going to need you to stay here for tonight for over night observation but you can go home tommorow the nurse happily said. Visiting hours are over evry one must leave. They all said there goodbyes and all that. Once that was over spencer went to the bathroom and then went to bed.

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