Untitled Part 9

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   I marched outside before I could look back at Sebastian and the faces everyone was giving me. I ran a hand through my fake hair and glanced back at the restaurant. Not far behind me was Sebastian. His face was stoic, but behind that façade I saw a hint of confusion.

"They really have no idea what they're-"

"Tell me why." It was an demand. I watched his eyebrows narrow and I inwardly sighed. What was there to say?

I crossed my arms, "Sebastian, let's just go home. They don't know me and they're trying to start lies that aren't true."

There was a growing silence between us and I couldn't take it. I jumped into the car and shut the door. That was when the thunder growled and I rolled my eyes in anger.

Sebastian angrily jumped into the car and I pretended to be interesting in the lightning off in the distance.

"Ciel...talk to me."

I ignored him. I knew his eyes were glued on me, but I didn't want him to see me. I didn't want him to see through me or my lies. I shut my eyes, "Stop staring at me."

His eyes never strayed.

"Not staring at me, Sebastian."

His eyes only dug deeper into my existence.

"Stop staring at me! That is an order!"

The thunder rolled in the sky and shook the vehicle. Sebastian was quick to grab me. His arms took hold of my shoulder and he leaned over my body with stern eyes. I blinked once as his eyes glowed fire red, "Don't order me around, Ciel. I'm not playing around with you. All I want to know is the truth."

I paused. His face was so close and I have never seen him so flustered before. I was about to answer as my lips eased apart, but I smacked them back together in thought.

See, I couldn't tell Sebastian the truth. I couldn't. It was so easy to avoid so why tell him? All he is going to do is scream at me and kick me out of his car and-- great, it began to rain.

My eyes averted from Sebastian and onto the rain that pelted the wind shield. I felt a light pinch on my shoulders and gazed back onto Sebastian. He wanted an answer and he wanted one now.

"They're lying. The only reason why they think I'm a guy is because I have lived two lives. One where I acted as a man to live a better life. Being a girl isn't easy, so-"

"Fine. I won't pry." He climbed off me and back into the driver seat. He looked sullen, or maybe it was disappointed. I watched as his finger nails dug into the wheel of the car. He turned the key and the wind shield wipers began to sway back and forth.

I reached for my seatbelt and latched it around my waist. Now all I had was the unforgiving silence to swallow me up. Sebastian didn't believe me. He knew I was lying.

The drive home was a nasty silence that either of us enjoyed. Once we arrived at his house I bolted up stairs and into the bath. I didn't want to speak with him anymore and I was through with the fights.

I don't want to call our talk a fight, but Sebastian did seem upset. Why did it matter what sex I was? I could be male and would that change everything?

Okay, yes it does change a few things. Like how I pee, but....-

I climbed out of the bath and reached for a towel. I pressed the cloth to my face and sighed. My head was beginning to hurt from all the thinking.

I felt like I should tell Sebastian the truth. Sure, he deserves to know the truth, but what good would it do us? I was being used by him and he was being used by me. What did you call that? Friends with benefits? I guess I couldn't call it that since Sebastian and I weren't really friends. What were we then?

"Ciel we need to talk-" My bedroom door went flying open and I screamed like a girl as the towel came up over my body. Force of habit. Luckily I covered my boobless chest again.

Holy damn! How many times did the dude have to walk in on me in a day!

"Oh, my bad.."

Yea, your fucking bad. I glared as I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door, "Why don't you knock?! It isn't hard." I barked from inside the bathroom.

"Don't give me that tone, Ciel."

"This is not a tone."

"I hear a tone."

"What are you? My mother?"

"Could be."

I opened the bathroom door with a long white T-shirt on and my wig placed on my head, "Knock next time."

"You're blushing." Sebastian poked his finger at me and I crossed my arms with furrowed brows.

"What. Do. You. Want?"

Sebastian looked around my room, "I want to talk with you about today?"

I lowered my eyes to the floor and bit my lip. I guess I had no choice but to talk with him. I may not want to, but the quicker I talk with him the quicker I could get away from him, "What do you want to say?"


I was taken aback by his words. He even did a little bow-thing which made me raise a brow, "Huh..?"

"I apologize for yelling at you in the car." His eyes lowered and he bowed.

"You're not my servant, so knock it off. You're embarrassing."

Sebastian walked towards me and I took a few steps backwards until I was stopped by the end of the bed. I tried to swallow down the eager blush that begged to release onto my cheeks. What was this bastard doing?

He cupped my cheeks and rubbed them with the pad of his thumb, "You don't need people lecturing you and from me it probably worsens things. Forgive me, Ciel."

"You sound ridiculous. Just forget about it, it isn't a big deal anyway." I pushed his hand away and scooted past him. I decided this talk was over. Yea, he apologized which did make me happy, but I honestly didn't know how to take it. Was I suppose to be happy?

There was also the guilt feeling that ate away inside of me because well, it isn't Sebastian's fault at the end of the day. It's mine. He deserves to know the truth and yet I keep dodging it like the plague. What was I scared of? Even if Sebastian reacted negatively all that would mean is a fight and me possibly being kicked out of his house. I'd go with the ladder.

"I think I'm going to sleep now. You can leave." I watched cautiously as Sebastian left. Once he was gone I walked over to my bed and face planted into the pillow. I didn't want today to go on any longer and so sleep was important. Yea, that is what I needed.

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