Chapter 1

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"Yes, Sir I understand but you should have made an appointment" I said to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Hey lady stop holding up the line!" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned mouthed sorry to the man who was clearly in a rush.

The cashier was staring at me clearly getting irritated at the fact that I was holding up the line. I gave him my best fake smile and started digging in my purse for money.

"My wife is seriously unstable Miss Waters I beg off you, just try and fit her in for today" Mr Davis said.

"Fine, I'll try and fit you in but next time I'm not going to bother" I said before saying my goodbyes and hanging up.

I put my iPhone in my bag, finally I had accomplished my mission on getting cash out of my messy hand bag.

"I'd like a choclet chip cupcake and a express to go please" I said to the cashier giving him the money right away.

The lady simply rolled her eyes and accepted the money. She was honestly rude. All I wanted was my food so I could head to work.

"There you go" she said to me handing me my food.

"Thank you" I replied taking my food and sprinting out of the room. I was already late for work and had an important client waiting.

I hopped into my car and started driving towards the building.

Life was honestly going great from me, I had a high paying job, an amazing boyfriend and my own house, not to mention the friends who stuck by me all these years.

Heather, Fern and I were closer than ever and I hadn't heard from Lilac in awhile. We all studied at the same university but I barely made conversation with her. Jasmine also mysteriously disappeared from the face it the earth.

I was now a psychologist, and I would  take place in modeling gigs there and than. Fern was still together with Ace and she was a presenter and a model. Heather is the one who surprised me the most, despite the fact that she barely listened in class she was now a Gynecologist. We all had made a life for ourselves despite our messed up lives.

The building at which I worked finally came into sight. I slowly pulled up and parked my car.

Rushing into the building still holding my muffin and coffee I went to my receptionist.

"Hello Miss Wa- Anna, sorry I still need to get used " she mumbled the last part her cheeks turning pink.

"Honestly it's okay, is there anyway you can fit Mr Davis and his wife in for today?" I asked her taking a huge bite of my muffin.

"Uh let's see" she said fiddling with the laptop. "Yeah we can at 4 o'clock today I'll call him to confirm" she continued.

I lifted my thumb up before heading to my office where I could eat the rest of my muffin in peace.

I sat down on my chair and put my legs on the table savourung that taste of the choclet chip muffin, oh how I love muffins.

"Miss Waters there's a call for you at the reception should I let it through?" Lilly said to me over the phone.

"Yeah sure" I replied to her trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. I just want to eat my muffin.

"Hello" I said spinning around in my chair. I might be 23 but I still had the mind of an 8 year old.

"Annabelle how are you?, I haven't heard from you in awhile" my mom basically screamed at me through the phone.

fine, mom I've just been busy, how's Luke?" I asked her still taking bites from my muffin.

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