Love? Pointless. - EDITED

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"Scott? Scotty!" Tanned limbs shake the older boy awake, the duvet covered silhouette groaning and turning over reluctantly to face his best friend, still under the mass of soft (yet unbelievably cheap) material.
The unexpected alarm clock that Scott had become accustomed to came in the shape of his best friend, the schools man-whore, Stiles Stilinski, his 6'2 frame towering over the boys bed.

"Fuck off." Scott groans as Stiles laughs under his breath, placing one foot of the edge of the mattress and applying slight pressure, causing the left side to dip slightly and Scott to roll further towards certain cold wooden floorboards.

"C'mon bro! Hot freshmen are coming today, all those tight little bodies just waiting for The Stilinski. Who are you to deprive them of that? Why would you do that to them Scotty? Why? Why? Why?" At every incredibly annoying 'why' Stiles added the slightest pressure to the mattress causing Scott to be mere inches off the floor. The hidden figure lets out a final groan before jumping up astoundingly fast and running to shut his window, the one his best friend has very fucking kindly opened for him.

Letting the cool air bite at his skin with a frustrated growl he rounds to face a smirking Stiles, an expression that was used often and usually focused on Scott.

"Do you know what time I was awake till last night you little shit? Huh?" The boys chocolate eyes narrowing at his best friends ever growing smirk.

"Nope, but I have a feeling your about to tel-"

"4am! Four. In. The. Mother. Fucking. Morning." Scott cuts the taller boy off, his fingers stretched out, waving around in Stiles' bemused face, as he mouths the offending words again: 'four FUCKING four'.

"And let me tell you why, my dear dear friend. You had Cora over, again. The loudest girl I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. You, my friend are a total dick. So I get first dibs on the freshmen." Scott frowns as Stiles laughs before nodding in defeat and holding his hands up in surrender and beginning to walk towards the door, placing his hand on the faded brass knob.

"Fine, but if i see one you might have to fight me for her. Now get dressed and shut up with your whiny ass recap of last night, if you ever went out to get lai-" The boy is interrupted again by a large pillow hitting the back of his head and leaves with a laugh.


"Al, I love you honey but what the holy fuck are you wearing a habit for? You look like a nun. Like a reserved nun. Like a really really uptight nun. A nun who's no fun." Lydia trails off as the brunette stops brushing her recently cut hair and twirls to face the strawberry blonde. Allison peers at her best friend over the edge of her reading glasses that very few people got to see her in. It was a privilege Lydia had grown to treasure.

"What's wrong with this? It's not that long Lyds." She brushes the edge of her calf length summer dress with the tips of her fingers and watches her best friend stand to assess her wardrobe. Lydia's hands skim over every piece of clothing at least twice before resting on a tight yet flowing, white, knee brushing dress from the very back of Allison's wardrobe.

The two girls had moved in earlier that day, excited squeals and the sound of dropped boxes had filled the room as they ran in, a whirlwind of brown and gold, pale and tan.
"This." Lydia pushes the dress into the brunettes waiting arms and turns to her own wardrobe, leaving no room for opposing arguments.

The girls get ready for the Freshman Meet listening to old songs from their not so distant childhood and in a familiar, comfortable silence, mumbling along to solos with no confidence in the knowledge of any lyrics.

"What'd you think?" Lydia turns around, twirling in front of her best friend as Allison claps, laughing and tugging at her best friends arm, pulling her into a hug.

"Perfect. We're gonna be okay here Lyds. Just you and me. Always and forever. Forget what happened last year, it didn't happen here, he didn't happen here. Fresh start."
The taller brunette rests her chin on Lydia's head as her smaller friend hugs her tightly, seeking the familiar warmth from her friend, the smell of the perfume Lydia had bought her for her 13th birthday, the same one she'd used ever since.

"Just you and me. Plus all the hot guys that don't require commitment. This college is ours Alli. We're gonna kick this semesters ass."


The middle yard was full of over-excited freshmen, girls and guys hugging, meeting, laughing. Couples holding hands and stealing kisses.

Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts once the parties start and their small world gets a whole lot bigger.

Stiles, Scott and Isaac walk down from their dorm, surveying the crowd, looking like a bunch of predators, wolves, the kind of guys you know you should stay away from but they've got something about them, some kind of magnetic pull of 'fuck you or fuck me'.

"Nothing standing out?" Stiles turns to his best friend yet still facing and watching the crowd, looking for something different.

"They all look the same. Would it kill for them to accept some diversity? Someone that's not bleached blonde with pointless shorts? I just want someone... something other than a quickie in the back of your shitty jeep." Scott moans and rolls his eyes at his best friends reaction to the insult about his Jeep.

"Isaac! Tell him. Roscoe isn't shitty you motherfucker!" Stiles shoves Scott just on the right side of playful until Isaac points with a solitary finger, mouth slack, his jaw nearly touching the floor.

"What is it? Hot chick #3 lost her t-shirt again? She's gotta be doing that shit on purpo-" Stiles eyes follow the direction of his friends finger and Isaac mutters 'I. See. Different.' In his lilting British accent.

"Fuck me." Stiles voice drops to a husky low growl as Scott and Isaac watch on in amazement. Coming out of the stairwell of the dorm opposite them were two of the hottest girls they'd ever laid eyes on and if it couldn't get any better neither of them were bleached blonde or wearing those pointless fucking shorts.

"DIBS! I call dibs!" Scott practically screams, bouncing on the back of his trainers. Stiles  ignored him, his eyes were fixated on the blonde - no, strawberry blonde girl. Her hair in waves down her back, swirling around her waist, the short light blue dress she wore made her look like sex on a stick, her legs went on for days, ending only when met by white wedges. She was gorgeous.

"On which one?" Stiles licked his lips as his best friend met his eye line.

"The brunette."


Okay, so when I say 'edited' I have NOT re-written each and every chapter. There will still be some mistakes. I wrote this story when I was 14 and didn't really give a shit about punctuation and grammar so it's all a bit bleh.  Anyway, I have gone through and tried to make some new additions and correct any past/preset tense mistakes but as I said: I will not be totally re-writing this story only completing it. My main focus from this point on is my story 'Adrenaline'. However, for the people messaging me, asking about the updates: this story will be completed.

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