Frozen To Thaw

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Now, Ian rarely experienced snow as a grown-up, he was from Los Angeles where it doesn't snow as much. He can't even recall a satisfying Christmas get-together considering they moved a lot when he was a kid. And as an Adult, snow and festivity isn't as much of a priority, to him, he has far more important things to worry about.

Instead, he worries about things like, eating three times a day.

Don't get him wrong, he's good at practicality, what he's shit at is stepping back and seeing the bigger picture. But as a practical person, if something isn't that big of an inconvenience, he'll do it. But that's what Christmas is for him, a big and unproductive waste of time.

So he was more than glad when Max and George planned their next shoot, but this time, it's in New York. Ian didn't want to sit through many phone calls from his relatives, urging him to travel all the way to Texas. At yet another mediocre party, surrounded by people that never gave a shit.

Although, Ian doesn't know what his friends think about the holidays, so there's a glint of hope inside him that maybe; they're a Grinch like him.

Ian scrolled through Twitter as a taxi drove him towards George's apartment; Ian told him that he'll just check in to a hotel. But George found out the hotel he was supposed to stay in and canceled it, saying something about how expensive and redundant it was. He doesn't have it in him to argue with the man, but Max? He can bicker with Max all day, even up until Max lashes out on him.

Ian knows he deeply respects George, and it makes him wonder as to why he settles for teasing jokes instead, rather than mean ones.

Ian glanced at the window; the thick layers of snow that covered the streets caught his attention. He watches as a group of adults played and laughed in the snow, he crinkles his nose as he scoffs, turning his attention back on his phone.

But the car halted, making Ian's body jut from his seat, he fixed himself as he glared at the rear view mirror, "Sir?" the driver turned toward him, unaware about the thing he did to his passenger, "We're here." he added, still clueless to why Ian glared at him like a petulant child. "Thanks." Ian breathed quick, opening the car door and stepping outside. He walked to the back of the car and tapped the trunk twice, popping it open.

Ian unloaded the first bag when George swung open the door from his apartment complex, greeting him with a smile, "Took you long enough." he mocked, walking over to his friend and helping him take out the remaining bag from the car. "Hey, dude." Max greeted from behind, clasping Ian on the shoulder, "Jesus, your hands are fucking cold." Ian stated, "Well, yeah, I've been jacking off." Max bantered, Ian rolled his eyes as he let out a disgusted huff. Max only smiled at him with triumph when he wheeled one of Ian's luggages to the building entrance. Then, Ian walked back to the car, and handed the man his money that he almost forgot to give.

The elevator ride was uneventful, because as soon as the door closed, George began humming a tune, but then Ian looked at him, his eyebrows raised. "Are you seriously humming a Christmas song?" Ian pointed out, face scrunched in confusion. "What?" George defended, a smile tugging on his lips, "What do you mean, 'What' It's the first week of December!" Ian commented, "Yeah, exactly, man. It is the first week of December which means its Christmas soon!" George informed. Ian opened his mouth to retort something equally witty, but then he caught a glimpse of Max, looking at the both of them from the corner of his eyes. Ian tilted his head at him, preparing himself for an incoming banter war. But Max turned his focus back on the elevator doors as he bit back a wide grin.

The elevator dinged, signaling them that they're on their floor. But then, Max whizzed past his friends, his legs riding Ian's wheelie bag as he paddled his feet on the corridor floor to gain momentum. Ian turned his attention towards George, expecting him to put on an expression of dismay. But instead, he's smiling wide as his eyes twinkled with awe, "I wanna try!" he hollered after Max, but then he looked at Ian, eyes searching his for permission, luckily, Ian picked up on it. "No harm." Ian shrugged as George nodded at him and jogged over to where Max 'parked' his luggage, "My turn." George retorted, smug and teasing.

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