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  It was 1:00 in the afternoon. Everthing was peaceful, accept a certain country was running in the wood's like his life depended on it. "Ve~ oh no I'm late again. Germany is going to kill me for sure this time.
Vhere is he? Germany-san I'm sure hill be here soon, he probably accidentally slept in to long. Zhat vhat I'm talking about Japan. He's alvays late, and all he does is make pasta all the damn time. He also never listens to me, no matter vhat I say and he alvays gets captured for know reason."

"Ve~ I hope Germany doesn't get mad at me? He's scary when he gets angry and he always threatens to take my pasta away."
I walked a little longer until I saw a clearing up ahead. Oh I'm almost there, I can see Germany and Japan up ahead.
I started to hustled a little more so I could get there faster. I really didn't want to face the rath of Germany. "Ve~ Like really who could live without pasta. It makes everybody happy.
Ve~ It looks like Germany and Japan are talking? Ve~ I wonder what they're saying?" So I got a little closer so I could hear what they were saying. "Japan sometimes I vished zhat I have never creatived an alliance vith zhat dummkopf. He only drags us down all the damn time."

"Ve~ is that what Germany really thinks about me?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. ( Germany wished I was never his allie, I'm always drag them down.) Those words kept repeating in my head, over and over again. Tears started to run down my blank face. I have to get out of here. I didn't want to face Germany.
So I slowly started to step backwards enough so I would be out of their line of sight. Then I could run away like a true Italian that I am. "Germany-san I'm sure you really don't me that. Italy-san can be difficult at times, but he's still our friend. Ja your right Japan he's- ( Snap )"

Japan and I turned around to see vhat had made that sound and vhat I saw broke mien heart. It vas Italy. I could tell zhat he heard vhat I had said about him. He had tears in his eye's and he vore a broken look on his face.
"Ve~ The first thing that come to my mind when I saw their eyes pinned on me was Dio Mio." Germany was looking straight at me and I really didn't want to talk to him right now. So I ran away, like I always do.
"Italy vait! Vhat have I done. Japan come on ve have to go after him. Hai Germany-san."

Well that's it for this chapter everyone😊 Don't you love cliffhangers😈 I know I do😉 Also please tell me if I should keep their accents in there or not cause I can take them out if it's to confusing☺ Well that's it for now please comment if you have any questions😆 Oki doki ciao all you bella's and bello's😙

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