Dream On (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction

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"Gooooooo awaaaayyyyyy," I groaned at my best friend as she tried to wake me up.

"No you'll be late, and you know how pissy your boss gets when you're late." She muttered, ripping off the blanket that was keeping me warm. As the cold air hit my arms and legs I jumped up to try and find some clean jeans and a clean work shirt.

"Fucking heater is broken again." She muttered.

"No shit," I growled.

"Shut the fuck up Kat," She muttered, picking up some of my clothes. I rolled my eyes and stripped from my shorts and tank top, sliding on the work shirt and skinny jeans.

My name is Kathryn but everyone calls me Kat. I just moved here with my best friend, Jo. We have been living here, in LA for about a month in a cheap apartment complex. I have a job at Starbucks and Jo works at Macy's.

"Got your ass to work before your boss comes over here and kicks your fat ass," Jo called from the kitchen.

"Well, love you too Jo!" I shouted, running to the door.

"Love you!" She yelled before I slammed the front door shut.

I know, I know, you probably think we are a secret lesbian couple. Welllllllll nope. I gots myself a pretty little boyfriend. His name is Drake. His black straight hair, falling perfectly over his eyebrows, blue eyes sparkling, million dollar smile. Oh just thinking about him gives me chills. But may I say one thing? Girrrrrrrl is he hoooooooootttttt.

I giggled to myself and rounded the corner to my job. I rolled my eyes when I noticed a crowd of girls screaming and crowded around the front. Shit another fucking fangirl crowd, I thought to myself. I shoved my way through the crowd and squeezed through the door. I practically fell to the floor.

"How the hell did you get in here?" A sassy accent asked from behind me.

"Its called a key genius," I growled, walking to the register. I moved my bright blond curls up into a bun and waited to take orders.

"Oh you work here?" The same guy asked me.

"No shit sherlock."

"KAT! APOLOGIZE," My boss yelled from the office.

"Oh I'm oh so sorry," I said sarcastically, finally getting a good look at the guy. He smiled and winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Welcome to Starbucks, how may I take your order," I scowled as he stepped up to the register.

"I'm Louis," He said sending me a small smirk.

"And I'm taken, now order or get out," I said dryly. His smirk morphed into a frown as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, well, I'll take a double shot espresso and your number love," He said smirking and sending me another wink. ANOTHER FUCKING WINK. This kid won't give up will he?

"Okay manchild, I'll call your name when its ready." I sassily replied. After that two other people ordered before I called whats his name back up.

"Manchild," I smirked to myself, but when he walked up with the same damn smirk on his face, mine faded into a scowl soon enough.

"Thanks love," He said finally just smiling like a normal human. Now that I look at him, he isn't too bad looking.... SHUT UP KAT, YOU'RE NOT SINGLE. I just smiled back and nodded.


After getting out of that hell hole I call my job, I decided to get changed and go clubbing with Jo. Once I had finally gotten home, I took a quick shower. I dried my hair and straightened it, then picked out a tight one shoulder tree green dress that lit up my emerald green eyes. I picked out a pair of black converse, deciding to be a bit lazy. After done getting my hair done and getting dressed I applied a thin layer of black eyeliner and some mascara following foundation and light blush and finished off with cherry Chapstick.

"You look hot gurrrrrl," Jo purred from behind me. We both laughed and I grabbed my keys and slipped my phone in my strapless bra.

"Lets gooooo!" I shouted as we hopped into my car.


I walked into the club and headed to where I always go first, the bar. I ordered a shot and threw my head back, feeling the alcohol burning my esophagus as it made its way into my stomach. I looked out into the crowd and noticed a lot of guys grinding on girls, which I was fine with.... Until I saw a familiar face, Drake. Grinding with some girl. His tongue down her throat. I grimaced at the sight. They looked like two fucking seals fighting for a grape.

I marched over to the two, ripping the bitch from him, planting my fist across his jaw sending him to the floor.

"Don't fucking call me. Me and you, we're over." I growled stomping out of the bar in pure anger. I stood in the alley way, pacing back and forth. I punched the brick wall as hard as I could.

"That looked painful," I heard a familiar voice say beside me, his voice near a whisper.

"What the fuck do you want," I sighed breathing heavily in anger, not daring to look at him, knowing I would probably charge the first person I saw.

"To check on you," He started and took a long drawn out pause before continuing, "I watched what happened, saw everything. You're one tough chick."

I scoffed and finally turned to him.

"Thanks manchild."

"Its Louis."

"No its manchild." I muttered.

"Just shut up and come with me, based on how bad your fist is bleeding right now, it looks, really broken." He nearly whispered, like I would shatter into a million pieces with just one word.

I just stayed silent and let him lead me to his car. He opened the door for me, and I got in, making an attempt to buckle myself in but ended up whimpering in pain.

"Lemme get it love," Louis said slowly reaching over me and buckling me in. I pouted, knowing that I couldn't do shit on my own with my right hand, which happens to be my dominate one.

I watched as the brown haired, bluish eyed guy walked rather quickly to his side. He started the car and we were off to wherever the hell he is taking me.


Well, Louis took me to the hospital, little overly dramatic but I got a cast for my hand. Anyways, after we got done there, he took me out and bought me ice cream and I basically told him everything about myself, my life, my issues, literally everything.

After done at the ice cream parlor, he took me home and now, I'm laying in my bed, watching Titanic and crying my eyes out with a carton of Ben & Jerry's chocolate ice cream. My phone went off that was buried under all of my clothes in my hamper.

I started flinging clothes everywhere until I finally found it.

"Helllooooooo," I answered, well more like slurred since my mouth is kind of full of ice cream.

"Hi love its Lou," The familiar voice cooed trough the phone. This manchild, snaked his number into my phone and got my number. That little shit why I shou-

"Hello? still there?"

"No I flew to fucking Jupiter," I muttered, then sniffled.

"Hey love don't cry over him he is just a jack ass that d-"

"Louis, shut up, I'm watching a sad movie." I said before yawning rather loud.

"Are you tired? Do you need me to come check on you? Are you alr-" He tried again, but for the millionth time, I cut him off.

"Yes Lou, I-" I started but this time he cut me off.

"I'll be there in ten," He said then the line went dead. I face palmed myself for even picking up the phone. Why is this kid suddenly caring anyways? Just what the fuck ev-

"I'm hereeeeee!" I heard someone shout from outside. I scowled and opened my window.

"Oh Romeo, go away, so that I may sleep," I said in my best Jersey accent. He rolled his eyes.

"Just call me if you need anything." He yelled and drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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